So Search and Avoid Dan Conley told the globe “The State Police detective unit assigned to my office will now investigate all homicides that happen on state property.”
Questions for Dan:
1. What about homicides occurring not on state land but the body is dumped on state land? Which raises another question. What about homicides occurring on sate land and the body dumped on non state land? Who will investigate the homicide first to determine if the homicide occurred on state land. HMMMMMMM
2. Wouldn’t it have been easier to lobby for more homicide detectives for the “overworked” unit?
3. Won’t this overburden your staff of ten state police homicide detectives? They must be over whelmed investigating the half dozen homicides that occurred in Chelsea, Revere and Winthrop the last 5 years?
4. Couldn’t you have transferred some state troopers to the Boston homicide unit to help with their over worked staff? A cooperative effort forming a joint task force between BPD and State Police via District Attorney’s Office?
5. Is this your answer to the crime problem?
6. Dan, were you an only child?
7. Are you keeping an eye on Michael Flaherty?