We will never win this war unless we start bombing some ballbearing factories. Hasn't anyone in the Pentagon ever watched Hogan's Heroes?
The job of a governor is to run the highways, prisons, and entitlement progarms. That's it when you think of it. He is the Executive and administers this place. Too much for Deval? He is looking into cutting the job by a third.
Ya gotta respect the Yankee. Really, whether you like them or not.
I love that Dennis and Callahan are back. With a big money deal. They had the last laugh after they saw all their loser on-air buddies at EEI dance on their grave. I like underdogs, and for two seconds these guys were underdogs. I bet they have a better idea of who their real friends are.
I always had good feelings about Mormons. Danny Ainge, Trevor Madditch, Utah. But I gotta tell ya, Mitt Romney now has me looking at those people with a jaundice eye. (yeah, I don't care. I said it.)
They should have a mandatory class every year in all schools. Public and private. (except charter – ha ha) Each day they read and discuss an article from the Economist and a story from the BBC World Service. The class would be called “Shut The Fuck Up You Little Shits! You Think You Have Problems? You Don't Know How Fuckin' Lucky You Are, Now Get Out There and Do Something With Your Lives” course.
Brian McGrory's influence is coming across loud and clear on the Metro Section. The feature stories are now worth reading and it has appreciation of the difference between many slices of life here.. Like any good metro section, a person who habitually reads it should become very famailar with the history, culture, and politics of the metro area.
This Michelle McPhee radio gig is bizarre. “A man's gotta know his limitations”. She could go on air everyday and say that EB3 is awsome and I stll couldn't listen to her. The poor souls who work at the station where they are forced to listen everyday. You couldn't pay me enough. It is painful.
I'm concerned for Mayor Menino when he stops being mayor. The poor man won't know what to do with himself. He could go off the deep end and becomes a semi-homeless guy wandering around downtown. He'd be a tourist attraction/goodwill ambassador. See, every cloud has a silver lining.
Thank God it now appears that the crazy couple whose kid was kidnapped in Portugal now appear to be the bad guys. Let's us sleep at night knowing it didn't happen the way they said it did. Same thing when you hear on the news a home invasion that isn’t in a bad neighborhood. You think “Oh no, that could be my house.” Then you hear the victims are Asian and you relax.
911: “Boston Police 911, What is your emergency?” Caller: “Yeah I would like to report that someone stole Causeway Street. It's fuckin' gone. They replaced it with this very very wide, I don't know what it is. But you better send someone.”
There are still a few people left, mostly living in Medford, who believe that with a little luck they will tear down Charles River Park and re-build the old West End.
Dan Conley still Sucks and Mike Flaherty should take him on. IMO
From the Herald article:
I love the fact that it’s a Democratic administration that’s looking into this possibility, and it’s a Republican who’s raising the red flag, insisting that the all-knowing and beneficent state needs to keep control of the situation. What country are we in, again?
Hey Mitt Boch III, once upon a time, didn’t you call them tools and predict that they’d easily be replaced?
and everone was dancing on their grave.
I think I may be a little too old–we used to watch “Combat” which glorified war.
Deval should not consider highway scam (my opinion) but I bet he is. We will get screwed by anyone we lease our road to in a big way. I think Deval was pretty open during the campaign about his big business sympathies. I heard him say “Democrats have to get real about business” at a couple speeches and I was ok with it. Leasing the toll’s will just remove them another step from the accountability of public opinion. It is bad enough that complaints re the Turnpike Authority fall on deaf ears — can you imagine where we would get complaining about some ACME Toll Company headquarted in the Cayman Islands or Dubai? At least Deval seems to be catching on to the Beacon Hill tactic of floating outlandish ideas.
Yes I dont like the Yankees very much but I do respect them. I like the beautiful losers like the Giants, Cubs and the old Red Sox
I personally dont care for Dennis and Callahan but given how boring most radio is who am I to complain.
I like Danny Ainge –I’m always suspicious when the Celtics press releases are positive (like with the big trade) but I am looking forward to the season.
The biased side-bar comments in Economist needs to be censored before the kiddos read it. After watching BBC World News they will all lose their New England accents so I wouldnt go for that.
I think you may be right about Brian McGrory’s influence on the Metro sect. I have been finding it more interesting. I never liked his column at all — especially since he had a man-crush on Mitt.
Too bad about Michelle McPhee–clearly is not up to the job. We really suffering lack interesting radio hosts since losing Jerry Williams, David Brudnoy and Andy Moes.
I hear Menino has taken up bicycling. He definitely needs to work on his hobbies soon.
Cant comment on the crazy couple–I avoided watching that story because it had a Natalie Holloway hype about it.
Causeway St just does not feel the same anymore–too much visible sky or something.
Ha I can sympathize with them but I would rather live in Medford than the West End.
Dont know a damn thing about Dan Conley so cant comment.
I never got into Hogan’s Heroes.
I found Hogan’s Heros moderately entertaining the first time around. And the Phil Silvers show (remember Sgt Bilko?) As, quite frankly, did my father, and he actually had been in a German POW camp, after having been shot down.
Another of my little stories. After the war, the prisoners at the POW camp held semi-regular annual reunions. My father went to quite a few of them. And they would invite the German guards to attend the reunions, too. Not to belittle them. I suspect that there was a bit of comradeship that developed between the guards and the POWs–that, they all figured, let’s just get through this. That was the Sgt. Schulz strategy–I see nothing, I know nothing.
Break out the orange signs