I know from prior posts here that some of you are involved in Boston’ performing arts community. And more specifically the Improv community. While I’ve been concentrating on other things lately, through classes at Improv Asylum I like to think of myself as part of the community.
One of the greatest people I met in the community was Bill Griffin. Bill ran the Yes and Practice Group. He did this for no money, no glory, just because he loved Improv and he loved people. Bill was a friend to all.
Tragically Bill died of an aortic aneurysm this weekend, at 54. He will be sorely missed. If you knew Bill please take the time to put a message on his memorial page set up by his improv group New Tricks.
One of those tall, vigil candles that burns for seven or more days. It is what I do when a light goes out in the world, and I imagine it like a Beacon Light for travel for the soul. It helps me, and I hope helps him.