Galluccio’s question: How to engage kids?
Flaherty: Worked on drug treatment.
Nowicki: I’m invested in the school system. Variety of experiences being personally involved in Chelsea schools.
Ross: Wants to reinstate job training programs.
Harshbarger: Back to question of whether you’re supported by casinos, and how do you react to studies that have shown little benefit to casinos (referring to Rep. Dan Bosley).
Nowicki: I want more answers. The studies have been vague. Let’s get this decision done now. [This is somewhat at odds with what he told us, which is that he’s a full-throated casino proponent.]
Ross: I’m not supported by casinos, and I don’t support them.
Galluccio: Casino gambling [either up or down] is not a priority — the community-building of expanding education and doing universal health care are my priorities. [??]
Flaherty: Dismisses impact of campaign donations. “I don’t need this job … but I want the job.” We need to be smart now to protect our interests, and minimize harm to this state.”
Harshbarger: How do you guarantee quality education to every kid?
Ross: MCAS causes kids to lose interest. Don’t support completely eradicating MCAS.
Galluccio: Came to loggerheads with Boston Globe on MCAS. Don’t believe MCAS should be sole criterion. We should measure how far a student has progressed with that teacher in that school. Don’t think MCAS is going to solve our problems.
Flaherty: A paper/pencil test is not how you educate a child; but we need standards. People in urban districts love MCAS, b/c it forces their kids to be taught something.
Nowicki: Not sole measure, but we need MCAS as standard. But kids from other countries are driving our scores down; need to adjust for that.
Harshbarger: Remove cap on charter schools? What are inequities in formula? Are we too beholden to teachers’ unions?
Galluccio: One of my faults is honesty with interest groups; I thought public ed ought to be shaken up. My point of view changed. Wouldn’t support expansion of charter schools.
Flaherty: Charter schools are problematic; take dollars and do non-union employees, for-profit companies. Shouldn’t remove cap.
Nowicki: Should keep cap until funding is figured out. Teachers should be held to same standards. Open lines of communication to know what’s working, what’s not. Share information.
Ross: Moratorium on charter schools.
Harshbarger: How would you strike balance between corrections and education funding?
Flaherty: I was opposed to capital punishment, even after Curley case. Dollars should be spent on diversion, pre-K. This is an easy answer. Re-open lawsuit … (Nowicki playfully pulls Flaherty away as TF goes over time …)
Nowicki: Close corporate loopholes. Study gambling $. Local option. It all starts with public safety.
Ross: MA ranks 47th in public higher ed funding. Muni bond for stem cells. Created Brockton committee on civil rights; fight crime at its impetus. Substance abuse — transitional assistance. Broader approach to crime.
Galluccio: Crime prevention is a very local issue — we use programs as an excuse. Will get to know young people in district personally. Being a State Senator is local. Don’t allow any elected official to escape that responsibility. Programmatic and personal.
Harshbarger: What will be your style — Birmingham or Barrios?
Nowicki: “Neither — I’ll be better than either one.” [Laughs] Respect for both. I’m a street worker. I will be in communities day in and day out.
Ross: Diverse communities; I speak four languages. Can communicate with various people of various backgrounds.
Galluccio: “I’m gonna be just like Jarrett; I’m gonna be liberal as hell in Cambridge and Italian in Everett.”
Flaherty: I’m not as good-looking as Birmingham or Barrios, but I’m better dressed. [This has turned into a celebrity roast of guys who aren’t here.]
Harshbarger: How do you build support for increasing taxes for programs you support?
Ross: Close corporate loopholes. Local options. Would support raise to 5.95% on those with incomes over $150,000. [That’s not legal, BTW]
Galluccio: There are many in this district who are very nervous about tax increases. It’s a fact, we shouldn’t judge it. We need progressive tax. [Hell yes!] Need to take on wealthy interests.
Flaherty: Need to talk about progressive income tax. There are people who are impoverished in Everett — tells them Verizon doesn’t pay taxes on poles.
Nowicki: Close corporate loopholes. Casinos — $100 million. When you hire for commercial development, hire local people.
Harshbarger: [to Galluccio] Harvard wants to expand; you’re against it; but what about business development; how do you ameliorate impact on community?
Galluccio: Has wrangled successfully with Harvard before; only candidate who’s dealt with large institutional expansion. I’ve done it.
Flaherty: I’m not worried about Harvard’s future. I’m worried about saving neighborhoods.
Nowicki: I have 15 years of experience dealing with urban development in a densely populated city. Built 1,500 units of housing. Stop expansion — I’m worried about neighborhoods.
Ross: The neighborhood is not opposed to expansion; they’re been left out of the process. Harvard violated trust; officials need to make Harvard follow proper procedures. [Ross seems most knowledgeable on this one; least anti-Harvard, interestingly.]
Final statements:
Galluccio: Youth centers, literacy, Cambridge Health Alliance. Built on consensus building, not fancy brochures. This is my life; look at what I’ve done.
Flaherty: This is about you. Politics is like a Greek tragedy, protagonist vs. obstacles. Those are the people facing problems in this district. [Doesn’t everyone die in a Greek tragedy? — says Caralis]
Nowicki: I’ve been helping bring Chelsea from basketcase to desirable place for development.
Ross: I will be advocate for people and their concerns and issues.
Great report. As to tragedy, I think Caralis is right: the general definition, at least as far as the Greeks were concerned, is that you knew the answer was going to be bad, but were forced to watch it play out. I guess that is more or less like politics. Nietzsche has more.
Wow, the word “tragedy” is derived from Greek for “goat-song”?
Crazy world. Someone oughta sell tickets.