“I am honored and grateful to receive the support of the AFL-CIO and am proud to stand with Bob and working families throughout our District and across the state,” said Tsongas. “The Bush Administration continues to use every excuse, from national security and national debt to national disaster, to undermine and strip away the rights of organized labor. But I know it was union workers, working in partnership with our cities that have helped shape the character and culture of our communities. Over the course of my campaign, I have learned what serious challenges working people face every day to take care of their families and provide for their future. There are ways that the federal government can help – and if elected, I will be a strong advocate for working families throughout the Fifth Congressional District.”
“Niki Tsongas is committed to fighting for the issues that impact us all. Chief among them, a better health care system in the United States, improving Massachusetts public schools, and creating new jobs in the Commonwealth,” said President Haynes. He continued, “She is a sharp contrast to Mr. Ogonowski, who is against providing healthcare to disadvantaged children across the country. Mr Ogonowoski has not engaged with working families in this campaign, nor has he offered people the opportunity to hear what he does stand for as he has repeatedly failed to attend debates and other public forums. All we know about him is what he’s against. We are excited about educating our members and their families about the ways in which Niki Tsongas will represent working families in Congress.”
The Massachusetts AFL-CIO represents approximately 400,000 working families in over 700 local unions in the public, building trades, and industrial sectors in the Commonwealth.
There’s a shock.
AFL-CIO supports ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION just like Nikki Tsongas.
I can see why the Teamsters(my union) left the AFL-CIO.
After seeing the AFL-CIO sue the DHS/SSA to stop from issuing no match letters for ILLEGAL ALIENS that was the final straw.
The AFL-CIO has SOLD OUT the AMERICAN WORKER(Union and non-Union) in favor of ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Bad enough the AFL-CIO were in the May 1st Boycott America Illegal Alien marches the past 2 years, this was a slap in the face to every working Citizen and Legal Immigrant in America.
Spending American Union Workers dues money on ILLEGAL ALIENS! Disgusting!
I give you why Rank and File members will not support Nikki Tsongas because Nikki Tsongas supports illegal immigration.
First of all, you are lying when you state that Nikki Tsongas supports illegal immigration.
Who do you think hires all of these illegal immigrants anyway? There is a big reason that illegal immigration has been tolerated for so long regardless of what party has been in power, and it is that business interests want it that way.
How many years have we had Republicans in power, and how many businesses have actually been busted for hiring illegal immigrants? Very few.
The immigration issue is largely one of posturing on both sides, and I think that union members are aware of that, so I don’t think this is going to be the deciding issue in the election.
Oh really before You call me or anyone else for that matter a lair, GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT!
In case You missed it, Nikki Tsongas was on NECN the other night, Chet Curtis asked her about “Immigration” her answer was she supported a “path to Citizenship for undocumented workers”.
HR Kevin, here is a little lesson in reality for You. First off if a person refers to ILLEGAL ALIENS as “undocumented workers” there is your first clue, apparently you’ve been living in a closet because a “path to Citizenship” is another word for AMNESTY!
Translation: that person SUPPORTS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. There is no other way to spin it.
If Nikki Tsongas is against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION then why is it not listed under the “on the issues” section on her webpage? What is it not a top issue facing America? If she thinks its not she should not be running for a Congressional seat. The answer is simple because she does NOT want people to know how she stands on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION because as I stated before she SUPPORTS IT!
Ask her if she would vote for the fence? The Secure Fence Act. Can You guess what her answer would be? Why don’t you call her and get back to me, even better I'll save you the phone call, her answer would be NO! Prove me wrong but I know You can't.
Who’s the one lying now HR Kevin?
“Supporting a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants” is not the same as supporting illegal immigration. No doubt she does not oppose it as vigorously as you would like, and it is perfectly fair to criticize her for not agreeing with your hard-line approach, but she is not actually advocating illegal activity.
But like I have said, if Republicans really were so against illegal immigration, then why did they tolerate it for so long when they were in power? Did Mitt Romney care that illegal immigrants took care of his yard for years? No.
BTW, do you really think that writing things in all caps actually helps makes your point? Do you care whether people here take you seriously or are you actually trying to parody foaming-at-the-mouth right-wing commentators?
This is from the National Federation of Independent Business, hardly a left-wing group. http://www.nfib.com/object/IO_34515.html
What is a no-match letter?
SSA has been sending out “no match” letters far longer than this DHS mandate has existed. The problem with the DHS mandate is that it's too broad and will cause major problems for American citizens and legal residents authorized to work in the United States since names of citizens and legal residents make up the bulk of the “no match” subjects due to clerical errors and nothing more.
A more sensible policy would be to have SSA refer to DHS the names of employers who refused to return their “no match” letters and also those employers who were sent high numbers of “no match” letters for investigations independent of SSA's need for the “no match” information. This would allow DHS to prosecute those employers who have been knowingly employing immigrants not authorized to work in the US, while not bringing harm to Americans and legal residents whose names showed up on the “no match” list through no fault of their own.
…a labor (union) organizaton would endorse a Democrat.
Simply shocked.
Tell me – when is the last time the AFL-CIO endorsed ANY Republican for ANY race?
For that matter – when is the last time the MTA did either? I know one GOP Rep. who WAS endorsed by the MTA, but they rescinded it when they found out he was a Republcian – his record was so solid and the local teachers liked him so much, they assumed he was a Democrat! Last election, a Republican career high school ESL teacher who had filed legislation for school funing as the head of a teacher's group was denied the MTA endorsement in favor of a Democrat who had NEVER filed or co-signed any education legislation in a dozen years! And the teacher's own group was threatened by the MTA for wanting to endorse him because he had helped when the Rep. did not!
It's time for Mass. GOP to take a formal resolution that their candidates will not fill out requests for issue interviews or participate in their endorsement process. Let's rip the 'non-partisan' fig leaf of participation off of these union gorups which are 100% owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party!
I'm guessing you've been spending a lot of time at Romney HQ lately, Peter, because you're sounding increasingly hysterical and whiny. The Republicans block card check in an attack on unionization, and you're surprised the unions aren't rushing to them to the sound of Tristan and Isolde?
The Democrats pass bills raising wages in trades and service — be it minimum wage, prevailing wage, or unionization of security workers — and the Republicans whine and block them. The Democrats consistently advocate higher teacher pay while the Republicans want to fire as many teachers as possible. Why are you surprised that a union would act in the interests of its members and organization?
My family and Tom Brady's families both want the Patriots to win the Super Bowl, but we don't “100% own” them. Just because two organizations have similar goals — in this case, a better standard of living for the non-wealthy — doesn't mean one is subservient to the other.
The Club for Growth has endorsed one nominal Democrat. Should I throw a tantrum now? Why won't the billionaires endorse someone who wants to take more of their money away? Waaaah!
PS: Google is your friend. Here is is an article about an AFL-CIO endorsed Republican in Colarado. A list here has dozens of state Senators in NY running with the AFL-CIO's endorsement.
I’ve had dealings with some prominent unions over many years and have never seen such greed and protection of the upper levels at the expense of the rank and file. Unions acting in best interests of its members–what a joke. Acting in best interest of the organization–no question.
Sure, lets push for card check, but fair for both sides.
Let’s give the cards to employers as well as union bosses.
Then, if the union vote fails, the employer can make life miserable for the yes votes.
If it succeeds, then the union bosses can make life miserable for the no votes.
Right? But no, the union wants it one way, not the way that would allow a fair choice, but the way that allows the organizers the most leverage.
…you give “union bosses” the power to fire managers they don't like. Then it'll be even.
Ever in Massachusetts?
It's like NARAL refusing to back a pro-choice GOP woman over a pro-life Dem man for congress. Union endorsements are equally corrupt, and paid for with dues extorted from job holders who have no choice but to fork over to them.
The PA AFL-CIO and the National AFL-CIO endorsed Arlen Specter in the 2004 General Election. They also endorsed an Ohio Republican Congressman whose name escapes me in that same election cycle.
Unions endorse candidates based on positions on workers’ issues. Not every union member agrees with every endorsement but Peter Hart polling over several election cycles shows union members vote for the endorsed candidate of their union in stong majorities.
Niki will get the bulk of union families votes – much as it annoys our friends from the right.
Thanks for the comments. Please see below for our response:
A card check puts the decision about how to form a union – either a traditional election or by written majority authorization – into the hands of employees and out of the Draconian hands of employers. Currently employers choose how its workers get to form a union.
As to Republican endorsements, we are an umbrella organization, representing unions from every sector of the economy. For us to endorse a candidate they must demonstrate overwhelming commitment to improving the quality of life of all working people. Republicans have not sided with working people in Massachusetts in decades. They abandoned their past support for unions and working people long ago.
Regarding illegal immigration, we do not support the breaking of laws. We do not encourage it nor do we condone it. Union workers are the ones who are most affected by the abusive underground economy. Our workers are the ones who are underbid and put out of work. We stand for workers rights on the job, and are absolutely against the way employers use illegal immigrants to cut costs. Republican-donating companies are the ones who abuse workers and encourage illegal immigration with their cash-only super-low-bid jobs.
Organized labor has been trying to address the problems of illegal immigration for much longer than anyone else, not to mention bloggers who need a forum for their uninformed opinions. Illegal immigration is an employer and business-induced problem, not a labor-induced problem. Employers and businesses work with their bought politicians to exploit workers on a daily basis. We need to recognize the economic and political forces that drive illegal immigration and only then can we fix the problems with illegal immigration.
As for political money or using the term “extortion” that's inaccurate and unfair. Union members choose to contribute to their union's political funds. It is not mandated, but is a personal choice.
Sounds great if the AFL-CIO backed it up.
Again explain to me why the AFL-CIO would take the DHS/SSA to court to stop them from sending out the no-match Security Numbers? Is it because this is a tool for employers that would actually work in removing Illegal Aliens from the workforce? You would think the employers would have been the ones to go to the courts to stop this not a Union!
Why do the AFL-CIO have protests when ICE raids plants such as the recent meat packing companies? Was there organizing issues at any of these plants? and if so is the AFL-CIO actively recruiting Illegal Aliens to join the Union?
Why has the AFL-CIO participated in the May 1st Boycott America Illegal Aliens rallies the past 2 years?
Why does John Sweeney speak at these Illegal Alien rallies?
AFL-CIO Vice President Linda Chavez-Thompson supports a “path to citizenship” for Illegal Aliens or as she calls them “Immigrants” which is a slap in the face to every Legal Immigrant and America Citizen. Reading this statement from her it seems the AFL-CIO cares more about Illegal Aliens than their American Citizen union members.
Oh really when did Nancy Pelosi switch parties?
http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={A826C1AD-0F1E-4D76-A7ED-706BF53E7A46} cut and paste into browser to see
“Gilchrist was reacting to my report several weeks ago in FrontPage Magazine that Pelosi – who owns non-union vineyards in Napa Valley where grape-picking depends chiefly on the availability of cheap foreign labor – is doing everything she can to help open the floodgates to more illegal immigration. And she wants the American taxpayers to pay their way.”
Even if that was the case(obviously it’s not) you have the majority of Democrats who support Illegal Immigration, by way of supporting a path to citizenship, refusing to enforce immigration laws, I.E. Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Nikki Tsongas, Hillary Clinton, Deval Patrick. – first week in office he rescinds the 287(g) law that would of let the State Police enforce immigration laws. So much for upholding his Constitutional duty.
In case you forgot the so called great friend of Labor, President Bill Clinton signed NAFTA which cost the U.S. Millions of Union jobs.
Don’t get me wrong there are a number of Traitor Globalist Republicans as well I.E. Bush, Specter, McCain ect but the majority of Republicans(and a few Dems) are the only ones willing to do something to stop Illegal Immigration. HR 4437, The Secure Fence Act(to her credit Hilary Clinton did vote for it), Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter and a large number of state immigration enforcement bills across the Country introduced by Republicans.
The best labor Legislation we could ever have is the enforcement of immigrations laws.