Greetings from MassINC.
BMG regulars might be interested in a CommonWealth Forum we're conducting on September 18 to explore the Casino Gambling issue. Here are the details:
High Stakes: The Casino Gambling Debate
MassINC CommonWealth Forum to include proponents, opponents, and experts
When: Tuesday, September 18 / 8:15 to 10:00 AM
Where: Omni Parker House, Boston
How: Free and open to the public. Please RSVP at 617-742-6800, ext. 120 or visit
Background: With the recent approval of a $1 billion casino by Middleborough voters, the state is moving closer to sanctioning casino gambling. Will Massachusetts roll the dice? What are the implications if we do or if we don’t? Join us for a provocative discussion on the topic with proponents, opponents, and experts. The panel will include:
* State Treasurer Tim Cahill
* Representative Dan Bosley (D-North Adams)
* Richard McGowan of Boston College, author of Government and the Transformation of the Gaming Industry and The Gambling Debate, due out in November.
Please join us and add your voice to the discussion.
Michael McWilliams
Please share widely!
peter-porcupine says
jimc says
Otherwise, no one would cover the governor's press conference.
jimc says
The price is right!
eaboclipper says
1) Can you schedule these things for early evening so us working folks not just policy wonks can attend.
2) Do you have anybody scheduled to give an opposing viewpoint that might actually support casino gambling? You are normally very bipartisan in your approach and this seems unlike your organization to feature three anti-gambling(well in Tim for Treasurers case pro gambling monopoly) speakers.
heartlanddem says
But, I agree, it would be great to see this offered when working people could attend and maybe take the show on the road to the regions that are allegedly being targeted for a Casino? Bosley would probably meet Cahill half-way….geographically that is.
david says
is pro-casino. He just doesn’t like the Middleborough deal.
peter-porcupine says
He'll be in a sympathetic room, and reporters won't be able to ask him inconvenient questions.
And there's ALWYAS the tiny muffins and silver coffee urns!
geo999 says
the Governor indicating on yesterday's Eagan & Braude that he would announce his decision within days.
peter-porcupine says
schoolzombie87 says
will it be 18 or 21?
raj says
…the announcement is obviously timed for the local TV stations’ news cycles, which, in Boston generally begin at 5PM.
lasthorseman says
After the epidemic all of the evil people collected in Las Vegas. I think that is highly appropriate. The second meme here is that I doubt gambling and the people it attracts have any regard for civic good. It's only about money because we can't of course attract real industry.
sabutai says
The Stand. Yeah — the whole world's on the edge of destruction, but good and evil gather in two locations with no significant history within a few hundred miles of each other, filled with Americans. What a myopic conceit.
lasthorseman says
yet my intent was to convey the concept of the evil people congregating in Las Vegas. Things like casinos do lure people into vain and useless pastimes a lower and more base persuit instead of the elevation towards caring about other people, a community and it's viablility and then politics. No gambling is just all about me, money and the proliferation of Guido mafioso types. Far too Satanic a concept to freely spread about for the sake of increased inefficient in your face Gestapo type homeboy security government.
This and Deval's full endorsement of it fully support my thesis of the Satanic memes supported by the American political “left”.
ed-prisby says
but I don't think the Walkin' Dude's follower's gathered there because they could gamble in their spare time. I think there's more than one reason they call it “sin city.”
I'm also not sure why Boulder, Colorado was the bastion of goodness, but whatever…
sabutai says
It's headquarters of Focus on the Family, doncha know.
david says
Negative — you’re thinking of Colorado Springs. That’s a whole different kettle o’ fish.
sabutai says
My bad. Boulder's a pleasant enough place, I guess, but no really where I think of the forces of good taking a stand.
raj says
…it is indeed Colorado Springs where Dobson is headquartered. It is indeed unfortunate that he had been abused as a child (not sexually, but emotionally) by both his overbearing mother and his itinerent preacher father. If I was in the US, I could provide you with the link to the relevant article from a Colorado media outlet from the last year or so (I believe the outlet is out of Denver).
lasthorseman says
as it turns out appears to be the capital of the New World Order so Steven King might be wrong. For more info Google anomalies+Denver International Airport
You might want your tin foil hat, but then again I find it light years ahead of the entertainment value of the “E” channel.
raj says
…Homer–oops OJ–Simpson’s latest brush with the cops there in LV has been all over the German media here.
It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. Armed robbery of a sports memorabilia merchant?