Susan Collins is a Bush enabler in moderate's clothing – Joe Lieberman is campaigning for her, so that should tell you all you need to know! Please donate what you can, even $5.00 will help…
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
in Maine and in New Hampshire in the 2008 U.S. Senate races. If Massachusetts progressives really want to make a difference write a check to Jeanne Sheehan in New Hampshire (she will announce within two weeks) and Tom Allen in Maine, then make hotel reservations for next summer and fall to do the grassroots.
…as soon as she announces.
I'm on a mission – look for more matching funds diaries over the next several months! If you've been thinking of donating, it's the perfect opportunity, since your money will count either 1.5 times, or double.
I'll consider carefully before jumping into that race.
I like what I'm hearing of Steve Marchand, mayor of Portsmouth. I wouldn't mind seeing Shaheen back in the Senate, but it seems odd to give up the primary so soon.
I hope Jeanne Shaheen doesn't get in the race and NH gets to have a real primary not another MA-5. Jay Buckey is a great candidate and I hear good things about Steve Marchand and occasionally about Katrina Swett. The dems don't need a pro-invasion, pro-death penalty re-run.
I sleep on YMCA basketball courts when I canvass in New Hampshire, thank you very much.
I really need to make some friends in walkable areas of Maine and New Hampshire, so I can upgrade to a couch or something.
I’ve been hoping for years that Tom Allen would run for Senate.
I raised and matched $75 yesterday – so far today, I have another $25 to match. This leaves me with $150 in dollar for dollar matching funds left, and all of the $250 in 50% matching funds. My goal is to raise a total of $1,250 by 9/20, please help me out if you can!
Thanks again…
From 1949 to 1973, Maine was represented in the Senate by Republican Margaret Chase Smith. She was a moderate Republican. Though she supported the Vietnam War, she opposed President Nixon on a number of occasions.
She is fondly remembered in Maine, and it is that legacy which makes it difficult to replace Senators Snowe and Collins.
…so we can leave that fight to another day. But Collins is a Bush enabler in moderate's clothing, and she's got to go – help me out if you can, and know that your contribution is being matched!
I think I've already given to Allen. I will again later, too.