Has Columbia done irreparable damage to its prestige
and credibility ( not to mention the incredible alumni funding lost)?
Is it true that there are no homosexuals in Iran as their dictator has stated?
Is it true that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful?
So many questions and zero comments….
Please share widely!
tblade says
I count 4 posts on the Iranian Presidents visit, but that’s just me. Math was never my strong suit. Apparently reading and critical thought is not your strong suit.
toms-opinion says
the past 6 months?…oh, OK
charley-on-the-mta says
Tomsopinion, who would we have to guffaw at if not for you? You are such a kidder. You couldn't possibly have missed that Bob, being in NYC, covered it himself with two front-page posts, with pictures. Hard to miss, unless a wild and crazy joker like you wanted to miss it. Thanks for the chuckle.
charley-on-the-mta says
Sorry, make that three front page posts.
toms-opinion says
Perhaps you might let Tblade know too as he thinks there were only 4 posts on the subject.
tblade says
On the front page I see 3 by Bob and 1 by TedF.
3+1=4. But I disclaimed up front that math wasn’t my strong suit. Perhaps I missed one?
tblade says
[No real response, I just like old-timey words. I also enjoy turning Toms opinion threads into an open thread of randomness and non sequiturs.]
sabutai says
peter-porcupine says
From Porcupine’s Last Will and Testament, in 1797 –
“To my dear fellow labourer Noah Webster, “gentleman-citizen,” Esq. and News-man, I will and bequeath a prognosticating barometer of curious construction and great utility, by which, at a single glance, the said Noah will be able to discern the exact state that the public mind will be in the ensuing year, and will thereby be enabled to trim by degrees and not expose himself to detection, as he now does by his sudden lee-shore tacks.”
“To citizen M___oe, I will and bequeath my chamber looking-glass. It is a plain but exceeding true mirror: in it he will see the exact likeness of a traitor, who has bartered the honour and interest of his country to a perfidious and savage enemy.”
It would seem that attacks on MSM and traitorous politicians are not entirely modern day problems.
bannedbythesentinel says
Poor, poor, John Barleycorn.
tblade says
…is better than counteranthropomorphism. See: Adolf Eichmann.
bannedbythesentinel says
but not for the enemy terrorist-loving moonbats, eh?
toms-opinion says
“Apparently reading and critical thought is not your strong suit. “
charley-on-the-mta says
is definitely your strong suit.
In any event, care to revisit the title of your most awesome post?
tblade says
…thanks for noticing. You’re too kind. However, unlike you I employ my ad hominems judiciously.
I have many other strong suits, too. I’m make tasty margaritas.
laurel says
Looks like you posted this at RMG right after posting here. Your willingness to humiliate yourself is fascinating.
tblade says
Ever get the feeling that BMG = Columbia U and Toms opinion / Asa Bearse = Iranian President Aminnejad? John Stuart Mill can kiss my ass, lol. (Not really, but still. I could deal without this Asa-clown cluttering up my precious bandwidth.)
sabutai says
…the only reason Laurel linked the comment was so we could see her name mentioned. You’re nobody at BMG until Asa whines about you.
kbusch says
A while back I commented that one of his posts was hilarious. Apparently the accusation stuck in his craw since he has used the word a lot lately. Examples: this comment, this comment, and this the title of this post.
Tblade you have your work cut out for you.
charley-on-the-mta says
Did I need to read that?
As I’ve said, sometimes doing this thing reminds me of high school.
kbusch says
for which I apologize.
I really should not be paying attention to this stuff.
tblade says
Since this has turned into a a de facto open thread, I wonder if the Right Wing & Asa will get equally as pissed with Rush Limbaugh now that it’s been revealed that Limbaugh was the first to use the the term Betray-us in January when talking about Vietnam Vet Senator Chuck Hagel? Or is it OK ’cause it’s Rush saying ‘Betray-us’?