So a crazy judge went to court and proved by a preponderance of the evidence that the Boston Herald lied or acted with malice when printing an untrue story and atrributing phantom quotes to him. The judge won $2million. The Superme Judicial Court agreed and wrote a very detailed decision outlining why the reporter David Wedge, acted with malice or wanton disregard for the truth when he wrote the story.
The SJC was very careful in pointing out the difference between this case and the one which protects bad jourtnalism, Sullvan v. NY Times.
After losing $2million to the crazy juge and having a landmark state case, with national interest,detail the incompetant and nefarious ways the Herald gathered and reported the story the Herald throws pebbles at the guy that shot them in self defense. Real Class Pat. Class? Sorry we are talking about the herald.
Other papers now say to reporters “Don’t cover it like the Herald does. Especially don’t coer it like Dave Wedge did. Do good work.”
So what does Pat Purcell do? He has a reporter and cameraman stalk the crazy judge. They follow him to a horse race track out of state (different than in state Judge Barton – but still no rule against going to the track – just a custom). Then they record every yawn and sneeze and bet he and his wife made. And Pat Purcell makes it a front page story.
There is no problem with the judge going to Saratoga race track. He was not prevented from doing so under any judicial rule osr by virtue of his requesting an early retirement.
The petty baby-like antics of the Herald against the judge that had the balls to go after the paper and beat them for $2million drives home the fact that the Herald does not report news.
Hahahahahahahahahaha Pat Purcell and David Wedge.
The SJC has preserved for all eternity the facts which clearly and convincingly show that Pat Purcell, David Wedge and the Boston Herald, make up stories to sell newspapers. And do so with malice.
No matter how much $$ you have Pat, you’re still a jerk and your reporters are lousey.
You don’t like Judge Murphy Pat, so you stalk him.Well Pat, alot of people don’t like you, David Wedge, your kids, and many others at the herald. Maybe they will start a stalking club and do the same to you. The we can start reportiong on a blog every fart you cut that doesn’t stink.
orry to bring your sperm winning kids into this Pat. But you put them in play when you hired them. Tey get Big $$ when real workers get pay cuts or let go.
We know you paper is doing soo well when you have to beg and pleads with the state and make end runs so you get the $$$ for ONE BILLBOARD.
Yopu really are anotherRupert Murdoc Pat. You media mogul. One billboard and one shitty paper.