Media Guy #1: Isn’t it amazing that the most important part of the debate is the spin, after?
Media Guy #2: So, what do you think the spin will be?
Media Guy #3: I don’t know, we’ll have to listen to Camp Hillary to find out.
So, Hillary Hack, tell us how great Hillary did?
Hillary Hack: Let me just tell you, didn’t she do swell? This campaign is all about experience and who you could picture being in office. Now that just has to be Hillary.
Media Guy #1: Thanks for that completely non-biased opinion. So, Media Guys, how do you all think the debate went?
Media Guy #2: I don’t know, it’s a real tough one. No one really budged that much.
Media Guy #3: True, but one thing all viewers get is that Hillary is clearly more experienced than the other candidates and ready to move right into the Oval Office. Don’t you all agree?
I hate this bullshit. It’s useless, dishonest and offers absolutely, positively no insightfulness. Post-debate analysis can be somewhat important, but can’t we at least invite the non-hacks and actually use clips that are longer than 4 seconds? I know everyone wants a campaign rep, but at least don’t put them on right after the debate so they can spin it. The media will complain about the spinning in one breath and remarks on how it’s changed the whole debate phenonimon, yet propogates all the spin with the next breath.
And for the love of all that’s holy, no more Pat Buchanon!! Can’t we at least get a elder Democratic party statesman for this phony spin?
I did not see the debate, but from the post debate “spin” I’ve read–which is consistent with your assessment that it was a “stalemate”–then Hillary won.
David, judging from the photos you posted, I’d say that it appears Dennis Kucinich won the debate.
It’s a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.
Media Guy #1: Isn’t it amazing that the most important part of the debate is the spin, after?
Media Guy #2: So, what do you think the spin will be?
Media Guy #3: I don’t know, we’ll have to listen to Camp Hillary to find out.
So, Hillary Hack, tell us how great Hillary did?
Hillary Hack: Let me just tell you, didn’t she do swell? This campaign is all about experience and who you could picture being in office. Now that just has to be Hillary.
Media Guy #1: Thanks for that completely non-biased opinion. So, Media Guys, how do you all think the debate went?
Media Guy #2: I don’t know, it’s a real tough one. No one really budged that much.
Media Guy #3: True, but one thing all viewers get is that Hillary is clearly more experienced than the other candidates and ready to move right into the Oval Office. Don’t you all agree?
I hate this bullshit. It’s useless, dishonest and offers absolutely, positively no insightfulness. Post-debate analysis can be somewhat important, but can’t we at least invite the non-hacks and actually use clips that are longer than 4 seconds? I know everyone wants a campaign rep, but at least don’t put them on right after the debate so they can spin it. The media will complain about the spinning in one breath and remarks on how it’s changed the whole debate phenonimon, yet propogates all the spin with the next breath.
And for the love of all that’s holy, no more Pat Buchanon!! Can’t we at least get a elder Democratic party statesman for this phony spin?
I did not see the debate, but from the post debate “spin” I’ve read–which is consistent with your assessment that it was a “stalemate”–then Hillary won.
David, judging from the photos you posted, I’d say that it appears Dennis Kucinich won the debate.
He kept showing up in the same places I was. Which doesn’t speak terribly well of his chances!