She’s driving it into the ground, frankly. I wish she’d stop.
I take it back. It was a lame joke.
You can’t ask a serious question while making fun of the person you are asking and expect any kind of response.
But don’t take my word for it check out her campaign site for yourself. http://www.nikitsong…
God HR’s Kevin – lighten up.
which is fine. I have no problem with that, even if the joke is getting tired from repetition.
The problem is that you are both making a joke and pretending to ask a serious question at the same time. That’s just bad trolling strategy.
Either spend your post poking fun at Tsongas or ask a serious question. When you attempt to do both, you signal very clearly that your question is not a sincere one and thus can freely be ignored by everyone.
I enjoy goofy comments and threads, but keep in mind that the Tsongas campaign actually has a presence on this blog and calling out the campaign to answer a question and then turning it into a big joke drags down the effectiveness of BMG to help us establish contact with candidates and to have normal people's concerns be heard.
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You guys are funny.
Why don't you pose your questions (if you're really serious, that is) as comments for posts in Nikki's Diary?
Then, if you really want advocate for Jessica's Law, might I suggest a diary entry that starts off with the text of the law as it was enacted in florida and a synopsis of arguements for and against and your personal commentary explaining why you think it's da bomb?
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but I've watched the activity on this board long enough to learn that appealing to the intellect gets you more attention.
This is the most telling symptom of a conservative playing a gotcha game on a liberal blog: a weakly sourced, quickly written quip or collection of quips. It is usually accompanied with non-standard punctuation and misspellings. It’s aim is to discomfit rather than to convince.
that this is a liberal blog.
I think it's a political blog, sure, but the reason I started posting here in the first place is that I saw so much conservative commentary I felt I needed to be another voice presenting the leftwardly side of things as well.
It's actually good fun when we get OVERT conservative posters who are intellectually honest, that does make for lively debate, but you're right. Playing gotcha is a waste of time and nothing productive ever comes of it.
…not to say I'm not up for an occasional game myself, but when I comment for entertainment only I try to make that clear. đŸ™‚
Yeah, I’ve enjoyed you’re coming aboard and probably for the reason you mentioned.
Our roster of excellent conservatives: PP can be reasoned. JoeTS almost always is. Gary is when he discusses taxes. JK can be well-reasoned too. Some conservatives have accounts at RMG and you can read there about how unserious they are here.
However, it what seems more interesting and productive are discussions with centrists (CMD, jconway, Bob), debates over how to advance Democratic or liberal/progressive positions, and informative posts (David reviewing books, Charley & AnnEm on healthcare, stomv on energy, Sabutai on foreign affairs, plus plenty of others).
You may notice, though, this is a drum I’ve beaten on too much.
It's nice to be here!
The level of discourse is much higher than other boards, and the contributers here are just so damn intelligent!
I only with I could edit comments after I post them, and get spell checking in this here text field.
But don’t expect to be taken seriously.
…this troll, who should be doing its homework, the time of day.
Jessica’s law is a FL state law. The jurisdiction of the federal government over these matters is highly dubious.
Isn’t that joke getting kind of tstale?
She uses the Ts to Tspell out the “es” sound in multiple places. It is therefore fair game.
The joke was mildly funny the first couple of times. Now it is lame.
She’s driving it into the ground, frankly. I wish she’d stop.
I take it back. It was a lame joke.
You can’t ask a serious question while making fun of the person you are asking and expect any kind of response.
But don’t take my word for it check out her campaign site for yourself. http://www.nikitsong…
God HR’s Kevin – lighten up.
which is fine. I have no problem with that, even if the joke is getting tired from repetition.
The problem is that you are both making a joke and pretending to ask a serious question at the same time. That’s just bad trolling strategy.
Either spend your post poking fun at Tsongas or ask a serious question. When you attempt to do both, you signal very clearly that your question is not a sincere one and thus can freely be ignored by everyone.
I enjoy goofy comments and threads, but keep in mind that the Tsongas campaign actually has a presence on this blog and calling out the campaign to answer a question and then turning it into a big joke drags down the effectiveness of BMG to help us establish contact with candidates and to have normal people's concerns be heard.
That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You guys are funny.
Why don't you pose your questions (if you're really serious, that is) as comments for posts in Nikki's Diary?
Then, if you really want advocate for Jessica's Law, might I suggest a diary entry that starts off with the text of the law as it was enacted in florida and a synopsis of arguements for and against and your personal commentary explaining why you think it's da bomb?
I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but I've watched the activity on this board long enough to learn that appealing to the intellect gets you more attention.
This is the most telling symptom of a conservative playing a gotcha game on a liberal blog: a weakly sourced, quickly written quip or collection of quips. It is usually accompanied with non-standard punctuation and misspellings. It’s aim is to discomfit rather than to convince.
that this is a liberal blog.
I think it's a political blog, sure, but the reason I started posting here in the first place is that I saw so much conservative commentary I felt I needed to be another voice presenting the leftwardly side of things as well.
It's actually good fun when we get OVERT conservative posters who are intellectually honest, that does make for lively debate, but you're right. Playing gotcha is a waste of time and nothing productive ever comes of it.
…not to say I'm not up for an occasional game myself, but when I comment for entertainment only I try to make that clear. đŸ™‚
Yeah, I’ve enjoyed you’re coming aboard and probably for the reason you mentioned.
Our roster of excellent conservatives: PP can be reasoned. JoeTS almost always is. Gary is when he discusses taxes. JK can be well-reasoned too. Some conservatives have accounts at RMG and you can read there about how unserious they are here.
However, it what seems more interesting and productive are discussions with centrists (CMD, jconway, Bob), debates over how to advance Democratic or liberal/progressive positions, and informative posts (David reviewing books, Charley & AnnEm on healthcare, stomv on energy, Sabutai on foreign affairs, plus plenty of others).
You may notice, though, this is a drum I’ve beaten on too much.
It's nice to be here!
The level of discourse is much higher than other boards, and the contributers here are just so damn intelligent!
I only with I could edit comments after I post them, and get spell checking in this here text field.
But don’t expect to be taken seriously.
…this troll, who should be doing its homework, the time of day.
Jessica’s law is a FL state law. The jurisdiction of the federal government over these matters is highly dubious.