I'm no Conte fan, but Wendy Murphy is a political hack: See here; and then Murphy calls a video featuring an 8-year old performing a political rant “the ultimate inhumane treatment of a child”:
Insane. “What if some nut wants to hunt this family down??” Or if some goon exploits the heck out of it on TV?
Her legal opinions and interpretations many times lack a basic understanding of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Wendy is a self promoter who found an easy niche. From seriel game show contestant to Patriot cheer leader to demagogue for victim's rights. Something that can get her on tv. Yell about victim's rights so she can wrap herself around “good” when she has to explain one of her poipular but legally handicapped arguments.
This is the same woman who brought her infant to the SJC when she had opral argument to make. “Hey look at me. I do it all. I'm such a together chick.”
I'm glad she wasn't my lawyer.
Isn't Wendy Murphy the attorney who defended the prosecution of the Duke lacrosse players? And didn't she also defend the Fells Acre prosecution?
This woman is despicable.
p>…pile it on. Howabout Wendy's objective analysis in the early days of the Duke Rape case?
No doubt at times I do not agree with what she said on these TV POP shows, who are nothing more than “one sided hired guns”. Can you really believe anything said no Nancy Grace or the O’Reilly Factor?
We must however agree the Legal system in MASSACHUSETTS is only applicable based on the SUM of money you have. We have lost total site of the term justice
When it comes to her actual court work for victims Wendy is really one of the only sources in Massachusetts who has ever done ANYTHING for actual VICTIMS.
Many do not see all the pro-bono work she does that is always behind the scenes. I can tell you first hand she has given many hours to a current case which is now on its thirty third continuances who is defended by the gold award receipt LAWYER EDWARD RYAN. 4 charges Indecent A& B under 14.
Ryan in the last court appearance August 20th tried to intimidate the TV reporter not to film his client in open court who claims he is incompetent in 2006 however with Wendy’s help we got the documents from the Ct registry that this Priest John J. Szantyr actually renewed his driver’s license March 15, 2007 and has two car registered in his name.
The Worcester voice supports eleven victims who allege sexual abuse by this priest scanning a thirty years span.
self promoting or not at least someone helps our the victims, just you never see that part of her work
Truyst ne she sucks and mosty lawyers agree.
Globe Staff | October 8, 2006
A group of victims' rights advocates, including some supporters of Republican nominee Kerry Healey, yesterday sent a harshly worded letter to Democratic candidate Deval L. Patrick, accusing him of siding with convicted rapist Benjamin LaGuer and ignoring the victim in the case.
“We challenge you to take a hard look at your own conduct in this case and ask yourself why at every opportunity you took the side of the violent offender over that of the victim,” said the letter, which was e-mailed to the Globe late yesterday afternoon.
Laurie Myers, one of the cosigners, said that she was the author and the letter was her idea, not that of the Healey campaign. Another of the signers, lawyer Wendy Murphy, said Healey's campaign had asked her to sign the letter. Murphy serves on the Governor's Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence, which is chaired by Healey.
Healey's campaign confirmed last night that some of the people who signed the letter were supporters of her campaign.
…just by whom is she renowned?
I don’t pay much attention to the lawyer-prattlers in Massachusetts, but I’ve never heard of her.
…I believe I had had her confused with Wendy Kaminer who actually is something of a renowned lawyer.
I'm no Conte fan, but Wendy Murphy is a political hack: See here; and then Murphy calls a video featuring an 8-year old performing a political rant “the ultimate inhumane treatment of a child”:
Insane. “What if some nut wants to hunt this family down??” Or if some goon exploits the heck out of it on TV?
Why Wendy Murphy, the self promotong narcisist lousy lawyer, sucks thread.
Her legal opinions and interpretations many times lack a basic understanding of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Wendy is a self promoter who found an easy niche. From seriel game show contestant to Patriot cheer leader to demagogue for victim's rights. Something that can get her on tv. Yell about victim's rights so she can wrap herself around “good” when she has to explain one of her poipular but legally handicapped arguments.
This is the same woman who brought her infant to the SJC when she had opral argument to make. “Hey look at me. I do it all. I'm such a together chick.”
I'm glad she wasn't my lawyer.
Isn't Wendy Murphy the attorney who defended the prosecution of the Duke lacrosse players? And didn't she also defend the Fells Acre prosecution?
This woman is despicable.
p>…pile it on. Howabout Wendy's objective analysis in the early days of the Duke Rape case?
And to pile it on high and deep
No doubt at times I do not agree with what she said on these TV POP shows, who are nothing more than “one sided hired guns”. Can you really believe anything said no Nancy Grace or the O’Reilly Factor?
We must however agree the Legal system in MASSACHUSETTS is only applicable based on the SUM of money you have. We have lost total site of the term justice
When it comes to her actual court work for victims Wendy is really one of the only sources in Massachusetts who has ever done ANYTHING for actual VICTIMS.
Many do not see all the pro-bono work she does that is always behind the scenes. I can tell you first hand she has given many hours to a current case which is now on its thirty third continuances who is defended by the gold award receipt LAWYER EDWARD RYAN. 4 charges Indecent A& B under 14.
Ryan in the last court appearance August 20th tried to intimidate the TV reporter not to film his client in open court who claims he is incompetent in 2006 however with Wendy’s help we got the documents from the Ct registry that this Priest John J. Szantyr actually renewed his driver’s license March 15, 2007 and has two car registered in his name.
The Worcester voice supports eleven victims who allege sexual abuse by this priest scanning a thirty years span.
self promoting or not at least someone helps our the victims, just you never see that part of her work
Truyst ne she sucks and mosty lawyers agree.
Globe Staff | October 8, 2006
A group of victims' rights advocates, including some supporters of Republican nominee Kerry Healey, yesterday sent a harshly worded letter to Democratic candidate Deval L. Patrick, accusing him of siding with convicted rapist Benjamin LaGuer and ignoring the victim in the case.
“We challenge you to take a hard look at your own conduct in this case and ask yourself why at every opportunity you took the side of the violent offender over that of the victim,” said the letter, which was e-mailed to the Globe late yesterday afternoon.
Laurie Myers, one of the cosigners, said that she was the author and the letter was her idea, not that of the Healey campaign. Another of the signers, lawyer Wendy Murphy, said Healey's campaign had asked her to sign the letter. Murphy serves on the Governor's Commission on Sexual and Domestic Violence, which is chaired by Healey.
Healey's campaign confirmed last night that some of the people who signed the letter were supporters of her campaign.
…just by whom is she renowned?
I don’t pay much attention to the lawyer-prattlers in Massachusetts, but I’ve never heard of her.
…I believe I had had her confused with Wendy Kaminer who actually is something of a renowned lawyer.