State lands will be commandered for the purpose of erecting behomoth structures. Certainly a few state senators could sponsor the turn back of some open space….Plymouth, Raynham? A deal with the city of Springfield to forgive the loan in a swap for let's say, Forest Park. Now, where could the new gold dome of Boston be sited? The Commons! For the common good.
“Lets keep the money in MA!” The siren call is oft repeated in the media. So, let's do it. Socialized Gambling. All for one, one for all. MA banks could float the bonds with Cahill's blessing, public transportation will be used to access the (no social problems attached) Socialized Gambling Meccas. Partnerships will be established with the plans designed by private entities (for appearances sakes) following a competitive bidding process that includes: Sheldon Adelson, Harrahs, Steve Wynn, The Donald or any other members of the casino royal line (the silent foreign partners are really intriguing….don't ya just wanna know who's money it really is?)
This could work. Mayor Daley thinks so as reported by our Libertarian friends at Reason Magazine, […]
Mayor Daley recently told the Chicago Sun-Times, “The taxpayers of Illinois should own every gambling license right now. They should own it all and get all the profit. Hire someone to manage it. Instead of giving the profit to the private sector, the state should take it. Simple as that. Very simple.”
State benefits, state college tuition reimbursement, and of course generous pensions sick day/holiday pay for all workers….and no social or environmental problems, because it's all sanctioned by the government. This is a brand new day for Massachusetts.
trickle-up says
we already socialized (some) gambling.
And for many of the reasons you give.
schoolzombie87 says
daves says
I heard the Treasurer on the radio talking about this. He said that in Canada the government runs casinos. He also said he feels that state would not do an effective job of running casinos, and that the state could more effectively regulate casinos if it did not also operate them.
heartlanddem says
I see your point, and it would certainly eliminate all the fun in getting the big lobbying bonuses.
According to Andrea Estes, […]
Secretary Galvin will be having more fun,
And the fun continues
Chucks, were’s the little guy’s lobby? I thought this was going to be bottom-up capitalism? Can’t wait to see how the Administration, Treasurer, AG and all the pols manage the corruption, if this is any indicator of their expertise, we’re in for a fun ride!