…which is one reason why I object to this expansion of weaponry, not only in the hands of police, but also to private individuals. Not to mention police brutality (referencing the recent episode in P’Town).
This tasering has got to stop, except possibly in the most extreme circumstances. I forget the details of the actual incident on what was I believe, a UCal campus where a student in a library was told to leave the library. He was in the process of doing so, when the campus cops tasered him. That made no sense whatsoever. He was doing what they asked, and they tasered him making it impossible for him to do what they asked him to do.
The “offensive” question. Also note how the cops are standing directly behind “Andrew” and talk to each other after the name Greg Palast is dropped. For those not in the know Greg Palast is most certainly on the MSM and very likely the “terraist” watch list.
Kerry shows his true mettle with his crass comments while watching the entire incident take place. This is the compassion of a US Senator.
Lord, may I suggest an ebola epidemic for this “glorious” country. After my horse ride do what you want.
I was willing to overlook the Botched Joke. The $87 Billion Vote Flip-Flop. Even the non-response to the Swift Boats ads. All those were verbal gaffes or campaign miscues. But not this.
As I wrote on a related thread, The Gainesville Sun video on AOL news shows the crowd of officers in the aisle in a fairly small auditorium. Kerry’s voice clearly refers to the incident as it is happening, including his trademark speaking out of both sides of his mouth (one one side, referring to the “important question” and on the other making a stupid joke about how the guy “isn’t available to swear me in as president”).
Kerry was obviously paying attention to the incident, obviously aware of the nature of the questions being asked, and obviously not interested in speaking out for free speech and academic freedom.
of the person that was causing the disturbance–not the tasering. The tasering happened after while the student was down. So it is misleading to say that Kerry’s remark has anything to do with that. When they cut his mike he moved toward the stage so I think the police were right to remove him. Dont agree with the tasering–He was bigger than the police but they should have been able to physically remove him.
…and who is based in FL did this interview with a witness in the auditorium.
IMHO, it goes a long way towards exonerating Kerry. It would appear that his questioner was a libertarian, of Lamont-style tendancies.
have anything to do with what happened? I don't care if he was libertarian, liberal, conservative, or martian. I'm not concerned with the content of his speech (to the extent that it didn't transgress legal boundaries of constitutionally permissible speech). I didn't hear anything obscene (“blowjob” doesn't count) or any “fighting words,” both categories of unprotected speech.
the nauglesque goon action was unnecessary.
couldn’t they just have cut the mic?
…which is one reason why I object to this expansion of weaponry, not only in the hands of police, but also to private individuals. Not to mention police brutality (referencing the recent episode in P’Town).
This tasering has got to stop, except possibly in the most extreme circumstances. I forget the details of the actual incident on what was I believe, a UCal campus where a student in a library was told to leave the library. He was in the process of doing so, when the campus cops tasered him. That made no sense whatsoever. He was doing what they asked, and they tasered him making it impossible for him to do what they asked him to do.
Are these people stupid? Of course they are.
The “offensive” question. Also note how the cops are standing directly behind “Andrew” and talk to each other after the name Greg Palast is dropped. For those not in the know Greg Palast is most certainly on the MSM and very likely the “terraist” watch list.
Kerry shows his true mettle with his crass comments while watching the entire incident take place. This is the compassion of a US Senator.
Lord, may I suggest an ebola epidemic for this “glorious” country. After my horse ride do what you want.
I was willing to overlook the Botched Joke. The $87 Billion Vote Flip-Flop. Even the non-response to the Swift Boats ads. All those were verbal gaffes or campaign miscues. But not this.
As I wrote on a related thread, The Gainesville Sun video on AOL news shows the crowd of officers in the aisle in a fairly small auditorium. Kerry’s voice clearly refers to the incident as it is happening, including his trademark speaking out of both sides of his mouth (one one side, referring to the “important question” and on the other making a stupid joke about how the guy “isn’t available to swear me in as president”).
Kerry was obviously paying attention to the incident, obviously aware of the nature of the questions being asked, and obviously not interested in speaking out for free speech and academic freedom.
of the person that was causing the disturbance–not the tasering. The tasering happened after while the student was down. So it is misleading to say that Kerry’s remark has anything to do with that. When they cut his mike he moved toward the stage so I think the police were right to remove him. Dont agree with the tasering–He was bigger than the police but they should have been able to physically remove him.
…and who is based in FL did this interview with a witness in the auditorium.
IMHO, it goes a long way towards exonerating Kerry. It would appear that his questioner was a libertarian, of Lamont-style tendancies.
have anything to do with what happened? I don't care if he was libertarian, liberal, conservative, or martian. I'm not concerned with the content of his speech (to the extent that it didn't transgress legal boundaries of constitutionally permissible speech). I didn't hear anything obscene (“blowjob” doesn't count) or any “fighting words,” both categories of unprotected speech.
Like Joe TS said – draw your own conclusions.
Is “a libertarian, with Lamont-style tendencies”? (I don't speak Republican code.)
Someone who favors universal healthcare through the free market?
A libertarian really, really against the Iraq occupation?