We learn today that Senator Collins voted against restoring habeas corpus. This is a right extending back to Magna Carta which the partisan radicals of the Bush Administration have been eating away at. It is a fundamental American freedom. The vote is a sign of the increasing authoritarianism in the Republican Party. It infects even those who pretend to be “moderate”.
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diane says
Holy Joe Lieberman.
What is up with that jerk?
johnt001 says
…is a swell senator! He actually donated $5,000 to her re-election campaign, yet another reason to donate to Tom Allen! Speaking of which, I exceeded my goal of raising $1,250 for Tom, and my ActBlue page is now at $1,930 – use the handy link in my sig line if you'd like to push my total over $2,000!
kbusch says
mcrd says
Habeas Corpus for enemy combatants and terrorists: N0
kbusch says
bannedbythesentinel says
Do you know the rules that dictate who may be deemed an “enemy comatant” or “terrorist” and who is an American citizen?
'cause ya know, I don't think there are any.
Jose Padilla?
Luis Posada?
Terry Nichols?
David Koresh?
Who gets to decide which of these people get which label?
…and, whoever you think SHOULD decide, why do you trust that person / office with so much power?
geo999 says
..were all captured or killed on U.S. soil, so you can make an argument.
But for those captured in battle? C’mon.
tblade says
So we are not granting Habeas Corpus rights to a population who was not only not caught combating US forces, they weren’t even caught by the US – they were sold to America for millions of dollars profit.
See Bob’s earlier post to understand it’s no the terrorists we are detaining, denying human rights (eg Habeas), and torturing.
bannedbythesentinel says
Didn't you get the memo? GLOBAL war on terror. That's not just a pithy phrase to put on your back bumper, it's the definition of where enemy combatants can be gathered from.
Feeling safer?
raj says
…the purpose of habeas corpus is to allow a court to determine whether the prson detained is an enemy combatant or a terrorist, and not to allow the executive branch to detain someone based on its own say so.
wow says
Ms Collins is a clone of Lincoln Chafee, the former senator from RI who lost to former US Attorney Sheldon Whitehouse. His motto that did him in was ‘I haven’t made up my mind yet, but I do know I will vote with the President.’ She needs to go.
kbusch says
Chafee’s voting record was better than Collins’. Even Snowe is a bit better than Collins.
striker57 says
She voted against the White House and for the Senator Webb’s Troop rotation bill. And so did John Sununu. They think a couple of votes is going to save them. NOT
cadmium says
like her to be out there as the face of moderation but I get the feeling they are tightening he leash.