Even though it has well-documented ties to white supremacy, Numbers USA isn’t a fringe organization. Its been credited by the New York Times for playing a major role in the defeat of comprehensive immigration reform. Here you have the leader of a very prominent anti-migrant organization encouraging the spread of “panic”.
Panic – A sudden, overpowering terror, often affecting many people at once.
I bring this to light because I was recently criticized for making the connection between the death of Maxsuel Medeiros on September 11th, and the terror that millions of migrants are living with in the United States.
Normally, criticism doesn’t bother me. This time, however, the criticism came from respected friends, as well. I think Roy Beck’s statement above proves not only that this terror exists, but also that prominent anti-migrant advocates are encouraging it.
It is also important to state that if my initial claims weren’t wrong, I probably should have worded them differently. It’s very difficult to prove that someone actually died specifically from terror, and I shouldn’t have written it that way. I have never pretended to be right all the time, and I enjoy growing along with my readers and pro-migrant friends. This is a case where I should explicitly state that the wording of my post was wrong.
For those of you that haven’t heard, it appears that Maxsuel Medeiros, a migrant who died in State Police custody, and Edimar De Araujo, both had cocaine in their systems when they died. The Boston Globe published a report shortly after the death of Medeiros, and the Rhode Island Medical Examiner, Thomas Gilson, concluded that De Araujo died from a lethal drug combination. Karen Lee Ziner’s relentless reporting on De Araujo continues to be amazing.
That being said, I feel like the place in my heart that my post came from was right. I still stand behind this statement.
Medeiros represents the millions suffering from ubiquitous migrant terror in the U.S.
While I might not be able to prove that Medeiros and De Araujo died specifically from terror, I do think their cases represent the larger terror that millions of migrants suffer through in the U.S. everyday.
With Medeiros, the Massachusetts State Police could have done a much better job of communicating with migrant communities to prevent the spread of a panic. I’m also almost certain that if Medeiros had known his rights he would not have been picked up by the State Police.
With De Araujo, some questions still remain unanswered. Karen Lee Ziner reported that Immigration and Customs Enforcement might not have followed a procedure that could have saved De Araujo’s life. I reported on it in the last post.
Either way, both of them were performing the everyday task of riding in a car one moment, and they were dead the next. This represents a real fear for every migrant in the U.S. At any moment their lives can be changed forever for arbitrary, everyday, reasons. It’s happening right under the noses of progressives that don’t care, and anti-migrant advocates are actively encouraging this terror.
It’s the fact that you can get detained for riding in a car, for opening the door when it’s your constitutional right to keep it closed, for picking up your children at school, for going to work, that makes the death of De Araujo and Medeiros so horrible. I don’t think anything encapsulates this better than this quote from De Araujo’s sister:
Yesterday, I was wondering how I was going to tell my mother Edmar was going to be deported. Now, I don’t know how I am going to tell her Edmar is dead.
Blogs like Anchor Rising can take potshots at pro-migrant advocates all they want, but they’re on the wrong side of justice.
Maxsuel Medeiros (AKA Maxeel Campos AND AKA Maxwell Pires) also had 2 outstanding warrants and (get this) he had “Cocaine” in his system. Otherwise he was an outstanding citizen ah person (when not on drugs of course).
How long does Cocaine stay in your system anyway? Isn't it like 24 hours or something????
“Even though it has well-documented ties to white supremacy, Numbers USA isn’t a fringe organization.”
This is a favorite source for information for the uninformed anti-immigrant crowd as well as many right wing bloggers. Blatant White Supremacist propaganda email forwarded and blogged ad nauseum. Very troubling.
Wow, Numbersusa is anti-immigrant, white Supremacist group now?
Um..do you have facts to support these outrageous statements?
Can you show me the disclaimer on Numbersusa.com as to who can sign up and who can’t depending on skin color?
Do you know all the ethnic backgrounds of the almost 500,000 members?
Have you ever met Roy Beck the founder of Numbersusa?
Do you have any idea how many LEGAL immigrants are members of Numbersusa?
Right, I forgot if God forbid you oppose Illegal Immigration then you must belong to some anti-immigrant organization and you are a racist.
You open borders, anti-American, Globalists are comical. Keep slandering the American Public, trust me it will really get you far.
Just look at how far your Kennedy-Bush Amnesty Bill went. Looks like your Dream Amnesty Act is going places too. Hell Durbin that Traitor has only had to change the Amendment number once so far and gut the in-state tuition(another Illegal Alien giveaway) part out. Although that’s just typical Open borders deception because we know that once the Illegal Aliens become Legal then they will get the in-state tuition anyway. One small problem though. You will have to get this by the American Citizens. Not going to happen.
Nothing more powerful than the informed American Citizen. That is what makes http://www.numbersusa.com so great and why the Illegal Alien crowd detests it.
After all we know how the Open Border crowd embraces a honest and fair debate, just look at what happened to the Minuteman at Columbia University, you remember the radical anti-American crowd rushed the stage prompting Columbia University to cancel the debate.
So keep spouting your nonsense as it just emboldens more American Citizens everyday to stand up and stop Illegal Immigration. BTW when I joined Numbersusa a few years ago there were 50,000 members, now we have almost 500,000 and growing. You do the math!
Numbersusa is tied to White Supremacist groups. That’s what I said. Not what you claimed I said. Want back up, start with the link provided with the poster. And congrats on your membership – you belong to a group endorsed by David Duke.
the article I linked to backing up my statement. The ties to white supremacy are well-documented as hard as Numbers USA tries to eschew them. If you have a problem with that claim take it up with the Center for American Progress and the article that I linked to, don’t just twist our words.
Kyledeb and tblade:
Look at your sources. They make Ted Kennedy look like Pat Buchanan.
Oh yea and I’m sure there are no anti-American racists in any of your groups right? Especially that “Southern Poverty Law Center” where Illegal Aliens can do no wrong.
One thing for sure you guys are great for someone in need of a good laugh!
I have met Roy Beck before when he had a meet and greet for members of Numbersusa in Massachusetts. The room was filled with American Citizens from all different races and backrounds who were there because we all want to stop Illegal Immigration.
This white supremacist nonsense is completely unfounded regardless of what your so called sources say. If there was any truth to it numbersusa would not be growing by leaps and bounds.
Another question for you guys, are you insinuating that all numbersusa members are white supremacist and/or racists?
White Supremicist groups are tied to and support Numbersusa. Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.
By the way, have Numbersusa’s data and projections been vetted by independent scholarship, or are we just supposed to take the youtube video’s word for it?
I never said all Numbers USA members are white supremacists. Read what the article says above. That Numbers USA was started by Jeff Tanton, a well-documented white supremacist, and that it has other ties to white supremacy. That doesn’t mean all members are white supremacists, it just means that Numbers USA has ties to white supremacy, which is what I’ve said.
“Some define themselves around ideals, and other define ideals around themselves.”
uWelcome back, Kyle!
I just heard an interesting talk by Professor Neal Katyal of Georgetown Law School on the Hamdan case, which he argued before the Supreme Court. Prof. Katyal told an story about how Salim Hamdan came to be the plaintiff in this consequential case. Katyal and Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift, the military lawyer assigned to defend the Guantanamo cases, were looking for a test case. They wanted someone without “blood on his hands.” Swift called Katyal and told him he had finally found the right case. “He was just a driver,” said Swift. A pause. “Whom did he drive for?” asked Katyal. Another pause. “Osama bin Laden,” said Swift.
Why do I retell this story? Your earlier posts effectively put forward Medeiros and De Araujo as test cases for the point you wanted to argue, namely that illegal aliens are victims of terror. But your test cases turned out to be bad choices. Really, my only objection to your post was that you jumped the gun and ended up making statements that didn’t pan out, and as I think you’ve seen, choosing a bad test case can affect your chances of persuasion, whether in court, or, as here, in the court of (BMG) public opinion.
my thoughts exactly.
You drop knowledge like a giant drops gnomes. Thanks for the words.
I see where you’re coming from and I myself have acknowledged that I jumped the gun, but I have a problem with looking at these people like test cases.
While my initial wording might not have been correct, and I might have jumped the gun, I think the passion that post was written from came from a true place that was valuable.
Either way, I get what you’re saying and thanks for some knowledge on why they picked Osama’s driver.