I've been hearing about an interesting weekend coming up in New Hampshire in November. As I understand it, a number of Democratic groups including Young Democrats of America, Stonewall Democrats, the Eastern DNC and the AFL-CIO presidents have national meetings planned all in one location. It is shaping up to be a great weekend for networking and training. It is structured to include time for volunteering for your favorite candidate as well. Consider coming to Manchester from November 16 to November 18. More details will be available soon. If you have never taken part in a New Hampshire primary, don't miss this event.
I have also heard that it will include a celebration of Howard Dean's birthday! Now I have a “Happy Birthday Howard” button dated November 17, 2003. If someone is interested in this button, please let me know. Right now I'm trying to raise $1000 to benefit Congressman Tom Allen in his campaign for U. S. Senate in Maine. If you think he is a good candidate, consider a donation. If you are interested in this button just let me know. I just need $225 to make my goal. Donate at www.actblue.com/page/tomallen – I'd like the button to go to a good home!