Part of my responsibilities for the Obama campaign is making sure bloggers who come to our events have full press credentials if they want them and are covering the event. We’ve been doing so up in NH regardless of whether the person is leaning towards Barack, leaning towards someone else, or completely neutral. I’d like to extend the same courtesies to you folks.
Starting Tuesday night.
As you doubtlessly know, Gov. Patrick and Sen. Obama are holding a joint rally at Parkman Bandstand on Boston Common Tuesday night, with gates opening at 5:30 PM.
If you want to cover the event and write it up for either Blue Mass Group or any other site, we can get you credentials. Just email your request to Incidentally, this is the email address to use if you want to attend events in NH in the future.
If you just want to attend, you should RSVP at http://my.barackobam…. When you get there, please feel free to swing by the press area and ask for me. I’d love to chat with as many of you as possible before the festivities get started.
Keep up the good work (and c’mon Dice-K!)
Tim Foley
Proud to be a New Hampshire staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change.