The Lowell Sun is reporting today in “The Column” that the Massachusetts Democratic Party used a photo from a 2003 ceremony where Jim Ogonowski, and John’s widow Peg received on behalf of the Dracut Land Trust a check to preserve farm land in Dracut in Honor of John Ogonowski. What is absolutely disgusting is that the photo was taken at a ceremony honoring the Ogonowski farm’s commitment to Immigrant Farmers. A program that helps immigrant farmers learn agriculture in their new country. A program that spawned the “John Ogonowski Farmer to Farmer Act” a program that is like a Peace Corps for farmers. The Mass Dems use of this photo and cropping of Marty Meehan out of the photo shows how low the Democratic Party will stoop to keep power.
Tsongas has tried at every pass to tie Ogonowski, a Republican, to an unpopular president. Ogonowski shares many positions with President George Bush, though by no means is he a parrot for the administration.
Last week, the state Democratic Party sent out a mailer with Ogonowski’s picture in a lineup with Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Ogonowski, in silhouette, is wearing a trench coat, which makes him look more like a sinister CIA agent than a Dracut hay farmer.
The unretouched photo comes from November 2003. Standing directly to Ogonowski’s right is then-U.S. Rep. Marty Meehan, who presented Ogonowski with money to help preserve his 33-acre farm in Dracut as a living memorial to John Ogonowski, Jim’s brother, who died in the 2001 terrorist attacks.
The mailing in question was Paid for by the Massachusetts Democratic Party and Authorized by the Niki Tsongas campaign. This is dirty politics at it’s worse.
The Column goes on to explain that the Ogonowski team is negative too. What is their example that team Ogonowski said Niki left the district and really doesn’t live in it, but lives in both Charlestown and Chatham. Hardly a negative attack, that is the truth.
…that it is disgusting to take out of context and use the words of the late Paul Tsongas to criticize his wife’s campaign.
More thoughts.
Those words were not taken out of context. There was animosity between Bill Clinton and Paul Tsongas that bordered on hatred. The animosity was summed up in this Dan Phelps piece in the Lowell Sun.
The article goes on….
…words spoken 15 years ago are “in context” of this Congressional election. So which is it Eabo, are you a spinmiester for hopeless causes or just delusional?
You can’t get all sanctimonious about the “dirty politics” of a head crop unless you’ve been consistently sanctimonious about all partisan dirty politics down the line, which you haven’t been. Not to mention, eabo, you seem to get outraged at the drop of a hat. You were outraged when Niki didn’t call Jim by name in one debate and called that “disrespectful” and a cheap political stunt. But when it was pointed out that was standard behavior and your beloved President Bush used the same technique against veteran Jon Kerry, no outrage.
I’m sure it wouldn’t take too much effort to find a giant stack of Republican campaign literature in which there is a less than flattering, less than honest picture of the opposing Dem candidate.
How many more unsubstantive Ogo-Spam posts are we going to see here?
you attack 9/11!
deceptive partisan politics taking this into the sewer. Geesh, the guy is a clumsy speaking farmer from Dracut and partisan people want to portray him as a really bad guy… what could be further from the truth? The picture with him , his sister in law and his dead brother tells it all…. and with Marty Meehan to boot! Pretty sad actually. hard to believe that there are people that would actually try to twist and pervert this picture into some kind of partisan statement. Sickening is the only word I can think of to describe it.
What’s hopeful is that the local people know the truth and know this guy personally… an honest American that cares about his neighbors and our country and is not the demonic ” cIA trench coat” that the incredibly biased far left wants to make him out to be. I think the folks in the 5th know what this guy is all about and don’t buy the cheap partisan shots for a second. I also think that they are going to show up at the polls in numbers that the established and entrenched career politicians don’t anticipate. We’ll see.
People in glass houses, Asa.
What are the posting rules here????
So kindly STFU. Everyone knows that you are “Asa”, “center aisle” and “Ted K’s Liver”. If you can’t handle it, leave.
Ted K’s Liver didn’t have grammar that made me want to punt small dogs.
…but I’ll pay more attention to TomO. I’m do suspect that Asa and Ted K are the same person. The level of hate of BMG and the homophobia they spew have similar rhetorical links (as with Center Asle, who was of course Ted K. With TomO, I have not noticed a pattern–but I wasn’t looking.
You’ve probably already figured that out, but fwiw – it became obvious to me when he posted the same diary here and at rmg.
Like, run Scoob!
I think this is the point of the plot where we pull the rubber Toms opinion mask and Asa says, “I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you meddling commies!”
He’s just more restrained and less partisan here, just like EaBo and Peter Porcupine.
It’s true he has yet to call anyone a liberal assclown over here, but his topics, talking points, and logical distortions are identical between the two sites.
you acted all offended by “ass wipe” and here you use STFU.
“incredible” in this feigned “Moi?” shock.
Sort of like a “Who is this incredible Asa of whom you speak????”
Also love the use of four, not three or five, question marks as an indication of faux shock and dismay.
Great stuff.
Sure wish I knew what everyone is talking about? This “Asa’ character and the other boogie men that are being described sound interesting… why are they now so legendary? Who is Ted K?
At RMG you pull the same pretend BS. Your writing is too similar and it always gives you away. Face it, your not smart enough to disguise your writing style. Sorry that you can’t out smart us ass clowns [Is ass clown one word or two. What does MLA say?]
KBusch pointed this thread out before: http://www.redmassgr…
They even call you “Tom” at RMG. Tom/Asa , you have brought together me and Laurel with Eabo and JK to agree on something. Even the Israelis and Palestinians agree that Tom = Asa. This issue could be the one thing the Sunnis & Shias agree on, for cripes sake.
Is lying your face off a trait of all people with your extremist political leanings, or are you simply a pathological liar? Damn, OJ has more integrity that you.
right to launch personal attacks based on your suspicions and accusations which have absolutely no relevance to Tom’s posts here..
Your delusional , hate filled personal attack rants are offensive, annoying and in total disregard of the rules on personal attacks. Please cease the abuses.
…you didn’t launch into crass personal insults against users of what you call the “gay mass group ass clowns”.
You are a troll. What I say is true. Don’t like it? Bye bye, buddy. Or should I say comrade?
Since you won’t STFU…it’s simply ignore mode …yaaawwwnnnn
You are a troll
if you don’t feed the troll, maybe it will go away.
Actually, it would be interesting to know whether the proprietors of this web site can run a scan of IP (Internet Protocol, not Intellectual Property) addresses and run an assessment as to how many of these trolls here are using the same or similar IP addresses. I’m referring specifically to Tom and SchoolZombie.
I would not exclude the possibility that some other refugees from RMG are also sockpuppets. I would hope that they are not, but one cannot exclude the possibility.
However, Toms opinion sneeks in enough less than trollish (yet seriously underinformed) comments to prompt earnest replies from unkowing and thoughtful commenters here at BMG.
By comparison the folks at RMG have:
– Threatened to run background checks on suspected liberals
– Talked about wiping liberals from the face of the earth
– Advocated for giving the boot to people who use different nicknames on RMG and BMG (oh wait, that was you)
And, most weirdly,
– Compared Theo Epstein to Deval Patrick. As an insult!
That same diary includes the perfect Asa text for comparison:
LMAO! as the Sox once again step on the high diving board (0.00 / 0)
of losers…another one of countless ‘bed shittings” in a long cavalcade of “wait’ll next years”.
Why prolong the agony…even if they stagger in with a division win, the wildcard Yanks will sweep them in a playoff anyway and yuppie larvae with $150 tickets will be suicidal…hilarious! Ohhh Muffy! may I have another $22 cocktail to enjoy in my $400 green monster elite seat?..What’s that you say? The season is over?…But Mamma and Dadda promised!!!…..
by: Asa Bearse @ Tue Sep 18, 2007 at 22:32:53 PM EDT
Who do YOU think YOU are??? When you become an owner of this blog I’ll listen to your vicious bile …until then STFU! Tired of your juvenile, personal attack BS..
That post just linked to posts at RMG, is that the “bile” you are talking about?
I’m tired of the personal attacks and juvenile BS so its ignore time ….yaaaawwwnnnn
Was that stuff on RMG directed at you? Or did you mean to attach your reply to a different comment?
I think it is kind of funny. How you feel the compulsion to keep posting comments saying how you are going to ignore what you consider to be personal attacks. Go ahead.
I stand by my statement: liberal posters on RMG are routinely harassed. I think the RMG diaries I linked to speak for themselves. Marking it for deletion is pretty childish.
In fact, unless you’re finally admitting to being Asa, there’s no bile at all in my post. Even then it’s pretty mild (more like snark).
For comparison purposes, THIS is bile. Again, it’s instructive to note the stylistic and grammatical similarities. Especially the …punctuation!!!
Amazing how the gay/liberal double standard is displayed here (0.00 / 0)
Today, the BMG thread is posting ad nauseum about “hate crimes” and we need yet another “new law’ to protect gay/lesbians? What about MY fucking rights???? This “last supper” filth is beyond a “hate crime”….. an incredible attack on Christianity by disgusting and tasteless homosexuals. Then they wonder why the vast majority of people do not approve of their “life style”.
The Shulltee/Anthony assclown response is so typical of gays…”get over it” they say…if this was an attack on gays instead of Christianity these losers would be incensed. What’s really sickening is that these cowardly gays wouldn’t have the spine to post filth like this about Islam because they know some radical Islamist would cut their fucking head off.
Am I pissed??? You’re damn right i am!!! Enough of this sick gay shit.
Eabo, you should be ashamed of yourself. I know you are gay but I thought you’d be above disgusting filth like this.
by: Asa Bearse @ Thu Sep 27, 2007 at 20:07:28 PM EDT
It’s not like there is any consequence for ratings abuse.