Sure the numbers say we didn’t come close to winning,
And every day, our numbers on the ground may be thinning,
But we’ve our orders from HQ, who’ve told us what to do —
Why analyze another loss, when you could be out on the airwaves spinning?
See a loss by six points isn’t a loss, no not really,
It’s actually pretty good for us in that there election dealy,
Sure we were saying we’d win, said it again and again,
But deep down we knew our boasts were tired and mealy.
So the Republican Party announces with pride and with verve,
We actually won MA-05 — now that’s throwing a curve!
Sure, Nikki’s numbers weren’t bad or subpar, weren’t off of Deval’s by that far,
But to suggest that, well it takes quite a nerve!
Consider this — some flunky insulted Jim, Nikki never used his own name,
So the fact that we made the ballot’s not bad just the same!
It was out best shot in Mass true, and it’s a chance that we blew,
But we came only 6 points away from fortune and fame!
Was it the obsession with immigrants, the scare tactics on that,
Or keeping our S-CHIP position hidden under our hat?
Was it the disseminations on Iraq, ones we couldn’t take back?
Did our attacks on Clinton and Pelosi fall watery and flat?
Will we learn from this? Heck no, we’re the GOP!
We like meaning nothing in New England, you see!
We’ll offer more of the same, keep playing this game,
To the detriment of Mitt, Fred, John or dear old Rudy!
bean-in-the-burbs says
Our Sabutai’s a poet
Like Homer of old
Our battles he’s told
How Niki came to win
In spite of all the GOP spin!