Charlie Rangel – SR Democrat on Ways and Means has a new Tax plan. He wants to add a 4.6% surcharge after the increase to 39.6% from the expiration of the Bush cuts.
Therefore, the top rate is 44%.
Bill Clinton’s top rate was 39.6%
He wants to add another 3% additional on Medicare and we get to 47%.
19% drop in take home pay
If we are going into recession hiking taxes is not a great idea
Please share widely!
Lets continue to not pay the bills?
What is the dollar trading at today?
As a debt obligation, upon careful examination of the books of corporation USA, would you be interested in investing in the US dollar?
I’m all for not raising taxes. I would prefer thay be abolished.
But if there is a recesion looming, it will not be caused by taxes, it will be caused by budget mismanagement leading to runaway inflation as a direct result of the dollars implosion.
Ever wonder why inflation data always exludes food and energy? I dont think I need to drum on the obvious, you can figure it out if you take the time.
The point is something has to give, cut spending or raise taxes, one or the other, but doing neither is the worst of the options IMO
Do you honestly believe that the top 1% of Americans are going to spend us out of a recession? I don’t think so.
You also won’t find very many Republicans who are willing to admit that we are going into recession so you won’t find to many of them making this particular argument.
In any case, we have to pay our bills somehow. How do you propose we do it? The national debt continues to grow unabated and the only thing that is going to bring it down is for us to spend less than we bring in. Spending is not going away anytime soon, since both parties seem to be addicted to it, so what else is there to do but raise taxes?
This info should really be in the OP.
Of course nothing's perfect, but as far as tax overhauls go this doesn't look so bad.
I thought I was replying to standard neocon spewing. I was unaware that such a proposal had actualy been inked. Of course you realize that this will go nowhere đŸ™‚
Any idea if its revenue nuetral?
You can see in that glut of info upthread that the tax relief for the working class is offset with revenue gains based on tightening loopholes for the ultra wealthy.
It is just a reversal of this:
I would expect to find little support from either side unless it is to be used for electioneering purpose only ..
K street is just a satelite office for Wall street.
before I learned that Charlie Rangel is actually a proponent (or at least he pays lip service to) Free Trade. (capitalized to emphasize the concept as an abstract philosophical extension of capitalism rather than the actual trade policies that comprise free trade in practice)
Rangel is, predictably, a fairly corporatized politician. At least as much as your typical Clinton.
This bill just might have a chance. The question is: Will it get ammended to death with poison pills like repeal of the estate tax? I suspect that's exactly what the conservatives intend to do.
Imposes income tax rate of up to 35 percent on “carried interest” gains of managers of private equity firms that buy and sell companies, as well as other investment funds, when “carried interest does not reflect a reasonable return on invested capital.” Carried interest profits are now taxed at the 15 percent capital gains rate.
This is the pot of gold and it is a no fly zone. When it vanishes the whole thing falls apart IMO.
This bill could gain some traction if it can garner some vocal public support. I think the most important thing is to recognize the bill for what it is and what it is not. It is NOT an across the board tax hike like the conservative message machine would have everyone believe, it is not a tax hike on regular working joe's. It IS tax relief for the vast majority of working class people.
But yes, you've keyed in on one of the main sources of revenue to facilitate this rebalance.
I hope people will be watching … đŸ™‚
He's the CHAIR.
Senior Ranking Member is the status bestowed to the top committee member of the MINORITY party. For the MAJORITY party, the designation is Chairman.
…just keeping this post reality-based.
…your counter-proposal would be to reduce federal spending.
Such as in eliminating the funding for the war on Iraq? That would reduce the federal deficit considerably. Like, by about US$200b/yr.
Such as in eliminating agricultural subsidies. That would reduce the federal deficit by about US$50b/yr.
I could go on and on. Just exactly what federal spending do you want reduced?