Some Cleveland Indians and others around baseball are wondering whether Red Sox owner/director/former U.S. Senator/Official Major League Baseball Steroid Investigator George Mitchell allowed information concerning a Cleveland Indian’s steroid use to be leaked at a pivotal time in the playoffs, thus causing havoc in the Indian’s club house and giving the Sox an edge. (ya like that sentence?)
I doubt very much that Mitchell would do that. However, that does not mean that Lucchino (best describe on the Winer Line as “Jeremy Jacobs in Bob Kraft’s clothing”)
learned of it informally through Mitchell and then did his magic. The sneaky way to use the press.
Please share widely!
Any chance they can just get the losing OVER WITH, so we can work on being 9 – 0 and break Peyton’s legs for him?
See George Will.
But there is always hope. These upcoming baseball games promise to be more objectively exciting than these snooze fests we’ve been seeing so far as the Patriots pants opponent after opponent.
Can liberals, or even progressives be football fans?
It has military metaphors and all.
Except his descriptions of fans in the stands. Fenway may be rougher than foxboro.
I think the Sox just win it just due to fan devotion. You watch the playoff games in other parks, and people are nonchalantly taking it out, laughing it up. Sure, come the eighth inning they might put on a rally cap and really focus on the field.
On the first pitch during the playoffs, the Fenway Faithful all look as if they have a close relative in the operating room already.
Has it bothered you at all that there seems to have been a reversal of polarity between the Pats and Colts?
Colts are (grr) the defending champs. Pats are putting up gaudy numbers, and someone new proclaims them the best team in the history of football every week. Tom Brady is shooting commercials. And the Colts are, quietly, beating the hell out anyone that shows up to play them.
…and Brady still declines most of those opportunities (I was happy to see Matt Light got a garage door commercial, tho! Sort of like Robert Parrish’s shoe commercial back in the day).
The numbers don’t tell the story of the games. The Pats are still working hard. Really, that one-handed catch Moss made in the end zone – Doug Flutie makes plays like that! Then Cassel is intercepted and it’s a one touchdown game again, and Brady has to go back in. Wasn’t an easy win.
Yesterday, after being sacked several times (btw – ever stike you that the Jacksonville Defensive line is comprised of Orks? That would tear off your leg and beat you with it if they get to you in the pocket?) – Peyton threw a bullet-like pass while falling on his posterior. Yet his three previous passes were incomplete, and all he had was that whiny grimace.
Tedy may not have Orks at his command, but Peyton can’t make mistakes like that (hell, the Jacksonville DL didn’t even PICK UP a ball on the ground that could have been an interception! They were too busy dancing!!! And they have the dumbest coach in all football!).
Bottom line – Pats aren’t effortless, and Colts make LOTS of mistakes. Truly, I want to beat them worse than I want to win the Superbowl.
Nevertheless, I wish the hype would die down until they at least beat the (muttering) defending champions.
Colts look to me (grumbling) like a better them that their (muttering) Super Bowl team.
I worry more about my Eagles, though, as they are closer to my heart.
… for that unique look of exasperation on goober’s face that can only come from him facing a Belichick defense.
…after Cassell’s gift to Jason Taylor, the score was 42-21, not “within a touchdown.” The Pats were up by 5 touchdowns at halftime, never close after 15 seconds of the 2nd quarter. Brady didn’t have to go back in, and I wouldn’t be suprised if in a similar situation an opponent’s Rodney Harrison/Bill Romanowski equivalent goes after Brady’s knees in order to get back at the perceived running up of the score. Not that it would be right to do so, but I think the chance is there.
—>I’m sure you meant fumble, not interception, since if it’s on the ground, the chance of an interrception is fairly slim. đŸ˜‰
Cleveland Indian’s steroid use to be leaked at a pivotal time in the playoffs, thus causing havoc in the Indian’s club house and giving the Sox an edge.
…I work backwards from the assumption that all high-stakes athletes are doping, and work backward from there. Better living through chemistry. So I was not disappointed when Floyd Landis’s Tour de France championship was revoked in 2006 after he was discovered to have engaged in doping. (NB: Landis has disputed the decision.)
As far as I can tell, the charge that Indians’ steroid use might cause havoc in their club house is nonsense.
Sullivan thinks all steroids and stuff should be legal, or at least, if they’re legal, then legal in sports too. He thinks “better living through chemistry” too. I wonder if there is a correlation between a person’s feelings about that and their positions on gay rights?
We suspect that the whole steroid scandal is being used to sell the idea of performance enhancing drugs, and human enhnacement in general. Eventually, we will have to give up fighting it, the theory goes, and then those asterisks will be little advertisements for Balco and UMass Worcester.
I wonder if there is a correlation between a person’s feelings about that and their positions on gay rights?
there is 100% correlation. And there are clearly reasons to believe there would be strong attitudinal correlation, it’s tradition versus progress, enhancement versus nature, science versus faith, no regulation versus regulation.
Of course someone will now step forward to say they are pro-gay and against steroids in baseball, but they’ll be lying.
…I first expressed that sentiment in a comment on a (conservative) gay web site shortly after Landis’s doping was first alleged, and other commenters–whom I presume were gay–got very upset at my comment.
Apparently, you are unable to read. What I wrote was that I work from the assumption that they are all doing it, and so I am not disappointed when they are caught doing it. I seriously don’t care whether or not they are doing it; for some unknown reason, you apparently do.
Please stop snottily saying that we are unable to read when we misunderstand your lengthy and abstruse thought structure. It is needlessly insulting. You need not call us all stupid if you disagree with us, either. You aren’t changing many minds with that line.
that he did not even have the information that was leaked. So there. Another red herring, another quixotic quest to find something where there is nothing.