I don’t know if anyone has been paying attention, but it’s like a bad Hollywood gossip story on Capitol Hill.
Apparently, Rush Limbaugh said something offensive.
Cue: Senators demanding an apology and Harry Reid wasting time to denounce Rush in front of Senate. WAAASTE OF TIME.
And not to be outdone by their liberal Congressional counterparts, the House Republicans proposed a resolution to commend Rush on his service to America. WAAAASTE OF TIME.
My favorite quote of this huge waste of time? Senator Harkin, on the Senate floor: “Maybe Limbaugh was high on drugs again.”
Maybe we’re all in High School again. Don’t we have a war we could resolve or something? I find it hard to believe there could be a slow day on Capitol Hill.
“Every single person in the media, every advertisement, every PAC, every blog is an a-hole, are a-holes. were a-holes, will be a-holes, or are supported by a-holes.” Let’s just get it over with in one fell swoop and never speak of this again.
“the House Republicans proposed a resolution to commend Rush on his service to America” – Senator Harkin is right. Service to America? I didn’t realize snorting Oxy Contin from the pelvises of strippers and smuggling Viagra into the country was considered “a service”. If they commend Rush, then my old NU roommate deserves the Congressional Medal of Honor.
A few weeks ago? Silent? Hmmmmm.
Did I miss somethign or did the Repubs make Moveon an issue? Sounds like well deserved payback to me.
on both sides of the aisle. Again.
You would have posted this a few weeks ago instead of now, if that’s what you truly believe. No one posted the Moveon vote here. But you decided to make a point about Harry Reid. Did I miss something, don’t think Rush is up for a vote.
perhaps you should put on the thinking cap and give it another gander.