Apparently an effort has started to repeal Proposition 2 1/2. But wait, the purpose of the drive is not to get rid of the tax cap. Rather, the people behind this effort want to turn it into Proposition 1, or, as they call it, Petition 1. Petition 1, if passed, would cap the revenue from property tax at 1% per year and it would also repeal the excise tax on cars. Jon Keller (yes, that Jon Keller) reports that Christy Mihos is funding the effort. Maybe Christy is hoping to build one of the three casinos proposed by Governor Patrick and he just wants to increase the odds that Governor Patrick’s plan will pass. (Updated- fixed typo–I hate when that happens.)
Please share widely!
This is a bad idea for the same reason your pledge to give 40% of the state budget to local aid at a time when medical entitlement programs are pushing 50%. There would be no money left.
One percent is less than the rise in cost of living and inflation. It is less than even a responsible town would need in order to operte. And living in Yarmouth – Christy – you should KNOW how rural areas like the cape and Berkshires get scr*wed over on local aid, school aid and road aid.
Excise tax, on the other hand, is a tax which the towns collect without having to strain it through the sieve of Boston, which always seems to return less than is sent up. I also regard it as the BEST indicator of ability to pay – very few millionaires are driving Delta 88’s, and very few homeless guys are driving Cadillac Escalades.
Without a doubt is the tax to hit up for an increase. Locally generated, processed and returned. It's like buying locally grown [http://www.buylocalf…]products…much healthier for the consumer and the environment.
One could only hope that some day there might be some Democrats in the Legislature and the Executive Branch that had the chutzpah to promote a progressive tax policy. Yikes, that's what we hoped for last year!
you got me excited for a second there. that’s just sad.
When do we want it?
The idea is stupid but the graphics could be interesting.
Can’t wait to see the Ads.