Attn. Eileen Donoghue: Start your campaign against Tsongas right now. You won Lowell with 70% of the vote. You can beat her next year. One year does not give her great seniority and she will be busy in Washington.
You can be all over the place without being tied down by city council post. And one year out of office is not 2 years. People won’t even know you’re not a councilor anymore. You are still an entity. You won’t be in two years.
Here is my suggestion Eilleen. Run as an independent with the well-known intention of re-joining the Democratic Party after the race. Many many dems, independents and repubs would vote for you. Many dems have won this way. Joe Moakley for one.
Eileen, people don’t like be told what to do. Marty Meehan (how much more does he want) and beautiful wealthy people told others to vote for Tsongas. Tsongas was pushed on people. November ’08 can be much different.
Take her one on one and on your terms. Not in a Democratic primary.
The lack of commentary or recognition from the two local media bloggers I read concerning the Howie Carr litigation causes me much wonder.
The court has published two very detailed findings explaining why Howie Carr cannot work for WTTK. It explains how Howie screwed WRKO (remember, ‘screw them before they screw you’).
And how WRKO went to court to force Howie to honor the contract he has with them. Howie is totally in the wrong and the opinion makes it plain as day. Perhaps Howie has a malpractice claim against Mintz Levin. They really dropped the ball here, IMO.
Not only is this interesting stuff but it is the meat of a subject both bloggers reported when words were going back and forth. Dan Kennedy and Adam Reilly kept us up to date about the spring training of this affair but then both fail to mention anything about the regular season. Not even a box score. Yet for the first time the real facts are reported and there is a real decision on who is right.
Why are they ignoring this? Strange. Very starnge.
…In order for WRKO to hold Carr to his option, they had to match what WTKK offered him. WRKO did, so they will be paying him what WTKK offered him, and he’ll be getting US$7million over five years (that’s US$1.4million per year) instead of a mere US$790K per year.
I doubt very seriously that WTKK will be hurting. It’s been reported that Disney-owned WABC in NYC is hiring Don “I’m An Ass” In The Morning, and they are looking to syndicate the program. WTKK would probably snatch up his program.
Disney, of course, is no stranger to wingnut hate talk radio. They also own KSFO, hate talk radio in San Francisco.
They dont play wingut crap because they hate liberals, minorities, and women or because they are evil people, they play it because it sells. Simply put liberal radio would have succeeded if people actually listened to it, I did, but not enough people did. Its called a market, get used to it.
… had a lot to do with Air America’s demise in Boston:
Advertising, a sales force, local talent, and community outreach are all a part of selling the product known as radio programming. You cannot simply declare there were no listeners and throw up your hands. There are formulas that are used to make radio work. These formulas are used for other types of programming. They were not employed for liberal radio.
Air America is still doing very well broadcast out of NorthHampton.
We have a market.
It's just not being tapped.
Most liberals I know generally think, like Colbert, that facts have a liberal bias, and are therefore happy listeners of WBUR. That is to say, I’m not sure that they would find screechy lefty radio any more tolerable than screechy wingnut radio.
I listened a little bit to Air America when in NYC, and found it tolerable only in extremely small doses. If you listen to more than one segment, it is just as infuriating as Rush.
I continue to doubt the viability of left wing radio, and dount that its unstellar performance is a result of a conspiracy.
If all business limited their market research to just anecdotal evidence of themselves and people they know, we may never have seen the rollout of, just an example, Heelys.
Everyone has their own taste, and of course some shows are better than others, and blanket statements just don't apply here.
…on the Clear Channel stations seems to not have been Air America. It was 12-3PM with Al Franken, who was boring. But from 9-12AM it was Stephanie Miller, who is very funny, and from 3-6PM it was Ed Schultz, who was also entertaining. Neither of the latter were Air America.
You forget Path to 9/11? Disney/ABC has a pattern of pushing right wing propaganda for some time now. How does pushing education materials of made up right-wing fiction in schools have to do with ratings? They had an agreement with Scholastic for DVDs and course materials to push this propaganda in schools. You are kidding me, right?
To be fair to Disney They dont play wingut crap because they hate liberals, minorities, and women or because they are evil people, they play it because it sells.
In an advertising driven market, such as broadcast TV and radio, the customer (“because it sells”) is the advertiser, not the listener. The on-air “talent” is the huckster who is engaged to get people to watch or listen to the ads.
Now, as to KSFO, a few months ago, a San Francisco blogger became so irate at KSFO that he collected a number of audio clips and sent them off to the advertisers to let them know what they were advertising and to complain about what they were advertising. Disney became very irate at that, and threatened the blogger with a copyright infringement suit, even though it was clear beyond peradventure that the blogger’s use of the audio clips was fair use (yes, I do know what that means). It’s obvious that Disney did not want the advertisers to know that people were irate at their supporting hate talk radio.
Disney, which also owns ESPN, a few years ago hired Rush Lamebrain despite his racist record–and then fired him when his racism became obvious on air. Disney, which also owns WABC, is in the process of hiring Don “I’m An Ass” In the Morning, for syndication, no less, despite his racist remark regarding “nappy-headed hos.”
In the unlikely event that you might want to know what else Disney owns, go to “Who owns what” at the Columbia Journalism Review… and click on the “Select A Media Company box and “The Walt Disney Company.” You might be surprised at what you find.
No, I am not going to give Disney a pass.