They also report that the following people filed papers to run for the seat in the November 13 primary (not including independents):
– Brion Cangiamila, 2 Sylvia Road, Billerica
– Linda Fosburg, 1106 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
– Kenneth Donnelly, 12 Grandview Road, Arlington
– J. James Marzilli, 15 Stevens Terrace, Arlington
– Virginia E. Mooney, 28 Mohawk Road, Burlington
– Charles A. Murphy, 19 Sears Street, Burlington
– Robert Peters, 43 Fifer Lane, Lexington
This also raises a question about Patrick Natale. YourArlington cites the Arlington town clerk’s office as the source; Natale may have submitted signatures in other municipalities but none in Arlington.
The deadline for withdrawing is tomorrow (October 12).
Peters and Mooney, apparently, according to DemRedSox have bowed out.
State Senate races cost [ULP] an average of $100,000 these days, so it is one thing to “test the waters” and quite another to dive in.