It’s official. Guido’s Health Care says my wife is not covered. The first half hour phone call you get to listen to propaganda and get cut off. The second half hour you get to listen to the same bullshit propaganda again. You talk to one, then another “associate” only to be told they will look at it in 15 days.
Yes, it’s United Health Care!
Now that health insurance in mAssachusetts is mandatory this must mean government is subsidizing Mafioso type behavior. This is in addition to the Satanic prospect of using mAssachusetts as a “model” for a national plan. Yes, Hello, I’m from mAssashusetts and trust me when I say this is unConstitutional.
These “associates” were apparently not only trained highly in the art of ambiguity the entire company has made it an institution.
Oh, I’m not done yet either. Think HIPPA made you medical records “private”? Think again. Been denied insurance? Credit rating go down? Have you been genetically tested?
When trapped the only peaceful way is the way of Ghandi. I ain’t going, I ain’t takin no stinking big pharma drugs and don’t need no flu shots. Swearing off even over the counter stuff.
working on getting out!