The Harry Reid ” Senate abuses the people’s trust and directly atacks a private citizen” letter signed by major left wing Democrats ( including Bilary) sold on Ebay today for over one million dollars today and was Matched by Lindbaugh with a million dollars of his own money( Harry, you’re rich..where’s your contribution?).
Harry and the Dems immediately went to “damage control mode” by spinning this unprecedented attack on a private citizen by applauding the 2 million contribution to our military and their families( again , where’s your contribution Harry?)
This is beyond sickening… to see this Reid scumbag first abuse his power to attack a private citizen ( which is why this incredible abuse of power letter is so valuable now to begin with) and then tell us that HE is glad to see it benefit our troops? excuse the french..what an asshole! This guy is a disgrace to his office , our country and the people of America.. too sickened to say more
{ Letter http://www.reuters.c…]
The Harry Reid “Senate abuses the people’s trust and directly attacks a private citizen” letter signed by major left-wing Democrats (including Hillary) was sold on Ebay today for over two million dollars and was matched by Limbaugh with a million dollars of his own money.(Harry, you’re rich…where’s your contribution?)
Harry and the Dems immediately went to “damage control mode” by spinning this unprecedented attack on a private citizen by applauding the 2 million contribution to our military and their families. (Again , where’s your contribution Harry?)
This is beyond sickening. To see this Reid scumbag first abuse his power to attack a private citizen, (which is why this incredible abuse of power letter is so valuable now to begin with) and then tell us that HE is glad to see it benefit our troops. Excuse the French…what an asshole! This guy is a disgrace to his office, our country and the people of America… too sickened to say more.
I’m no teacher, but I would probably give this a -D — even with my corrections.
I was trying very hard to read it and I could not.
I still can’t figure it out.
Maybe I should click on the link …
Nah …
…what was it you said about the user “Ted K’s Liver” and his grammar making you want to kick a puppy? I think this post should make clear who this “Asa”-clown is.
While Asa and Ted K had similar rants about the “gay BMG” I don’t think they are the same person (and I’ve been spending most of my time over at RMG of late–I have a lot more fun over there). Does anyone remember Liver Boy using the phrase “ass clown”? If so, I’d change my opinion.
I’ll buy into Asa and Tom being the same…Asa is pissed that a couple of liberals are kicking sand in his sand-box and probably wants to come over here and do the same.
If Tom/Asa are indeed Ted Liver Boy…then s/he are taking their meds. Ted was in total melt down in the last days and I’d imagine broke three key boards responding to posts. While Asa has aimed blistering attacks at a fair amount of conseratives over at RMG for not being as “right” as s/he, they still don’t compare to Ted’s rants. But like I said, maybe the meds are working.
Since you follow the right more than most, it might be interesting if you could put up a few posts here on what you’ve learned on the “wingnut-o-sphere”.
You are thoughtful even when I disagree with you.
Frank, though, is a liberal. So his take will be different from yours and enlightening in a different manner.
Well, the biggest difference I’ve noticed between our camps isn’t so much a difference of ends, but of means. Universal health care is wanted by both sides, but how to achieve it is the argument. People should be secure in their retirement, but should it be through government action or responsible planning by private individuals?
How has this impacted my role as a student leader in an organization? Well, first of all, it’s important to realize what I’ve stated above. There’s a lot of vitriol. There’s a lot of people who think Republicans are a bunch of greedy racists, etc. In the same regard, there’s a lot of people on my side who see the democrats as a bunch of love-obsessed pussies with no backbone or common sense. However, realizing its a matter of means and not ends that we argue most about, it helps you achieve these ends more effectively with cooperation, because you know that the other side is working to the same goal as yourself. True though, that sometimes the goals are polar opposites, but that is life. I think the type of attitude someone like Asa or Tom’s opinion have is just as useless as a lot of the liberals i see around who have this idea in their head that no good ever comes of Republicanism.
In effect, I’ve learned to listen and consider rather than take my preconceived notions as indisputable fact, and I hope someone such as myself inspires similar change in other people.
Perhaps the merits of universal health care is recognised by some republicans, but I hear it characterised way too often as “socialism” by republicans (even congressmembers) to believe that republicans as a whole want this.
I actualy believe that is the case.
I think that MOST gop voters believe that everyone is deserving of and should have health care. Remove the words “entitled to” and there is no disagreement.
Context and nuance is everything.
The difference in GOPers is that they have been spoon fed the notion that somehow the “free market” will be able to provide this affordably. You find the “free market” catchphrase in everything they sputter.
Luckily, I think it is becoming a trend that even GOP voters see that the “free market” is only a theoretical term for a condition that can never actualy exist. No market is free, they are all manipulated to varying extents to the benifit of the powers that be.
With that realization the last myth that needs to be broken down is the one associated with “socialized medicine” as if some government beurocrat will somehow get involved in medical decisions to an even greater extent than corporate managers dicate today. Once we can establish that the only aspect of universal healthcare that is social is the PAYMENT for it, a good percentage of GOPers will join in, just because it makes such financial sense over the present bungled system … an easy comparison for certain.
Prominent among conservatives is the idea that giving people “something for nothing” leads to dependency and laziness, i.e., that it packs bad moral consequences. Self-discipline and entrepreneurial virtues are promoted when the individual stands on his or her own and makes his or her way in the world. Any large-scale social insurance program, including Social Security, is thereby suspect.
So it’s not just a belief in the Divinity of the Invisible Hand. It’s also a notion that the free market is morally cleansing.
What’s missing here, of course, is a sort of Maslow view. If everyone is worried about bankruptcy, starvation, unemployment, and dire illness, you end up with a rather primitive society short on technical innovation and cultural development where everyone writes with lots of ellipses.
…I’d be happy to, but need to give it some thought…did I miss a first plea?
I made it on a posting that sank beneath all the front page lists.
There are a lot of things to be curious about regarding the right. To what extent are they at peace or at war with each other? Are they redefining conservatism somehow or retrenching? How do libertarians get along with the more theocratically inclined? Are there significant differences between RedState and Free Republic? Is authoritarianism taking hold in some quarters? How have their views of race evolved from the sixties when the large parts of the conservative movement were explicitly racist?
…this has to be one of the dumbest posts that I have read here, since I signed on here in mid-last December.
Harry Reid’s attack on Rush Limbaugh is an “abuse of power”? Just what “power” does Harry Reid have over Rush Lamebrain? Harry Reid doesn’t control the DeptJustice. Nor does he control the Federal Communications Commission. Nor does he control the advertisers who stick with the drug-addled gas-bag.
“advising” your employer to “discuss” ( as in censor) with you your comments regarding their (Senate) performance? You’d have no problem with that?..not an incredible abuse of power when the US Senate seeks to suppress the 1’st amendment rights of a private citizen? Wow!..yet somehow you have a problem with the government listening in on phone calls? Plleeeze
The disgraceful Harry Reid letter was sold for millions of dollars because it is an indisputable ( and now a document of historical significance)attempt by government officials to abuse their power to attack a private citizen and deny him his first amendment rights. Unbelievable
What if a letter was sent to your employer by members of the UNITED STATES SENATE
Irrespective of that, you haven’t responded to any of the points I made in my comment.
Aside from that, Limbaugh is a co-owner of his program. In other words, he is basically his own employer.
a blatant attempt by the likes of a vindictive and abusive US
Senator to suppress a private citizen’s Constitutional rights OK?
Hey, you’re the know it all lawyer… you tell me.
I’m not a lawyer but I’m sure I could kick your ass all around the court room with a case as strong Lindbaugh has in this attack against his rights.. and you know it
Even Rush Lamebrain has said, more than a few times on his show, that he cannot be fired because he is a co-owner of the program. I’ve heard him say it more than once.
I really don’t need abuse from someone like you.
And you seem to enjoy coming back for more abuse again and again.
of those with nothing of value to add with small minds that are easily enraged by differing opinion in their lock step echo chamber..
I’m sure that the vast majority of intelligent readers here already know that.
Do your worst abuses by all means..Each new abuse and post of mindless rage makes the ignorance , intolerance and immaturity of such posters more and more apparent.Pretty sad actually that they continue to disgrace BMG in such a manner..oh well
along with the 6’s when the “correct” lock step echo chamber doctrine post is made. Always by the same small minds that obviously can’t think for themselves. Laughable or pathetic?..Not sure which?
Small minds? lock step? Not only are these not applicable, they are becoming devoid of meaning from your excessive misuse.
You seem to enjoy it, so please stop whining about it.
If you want to come here and pick fights with the community, then at least you should fight like a man and stop complaining when your own tactics are used against you.
the United States Senate sending a letter of censorship to a PRIVATE CITIZEN ?What is it about private citizen with Constitutional rights protecting him from government abuse that YOU don’t understand? Is that the way it is in your precious Germany? Say what you’re saying here in court and you be laughed out of court if not disbarred for incompetence. and you know it. Do you have any idea how foolish you sound? ..and you’re a lawyer? No wonder you have so much free time to post here without any clients. Your incredible partisan bias has you talking like a fascist ready to trash freedom of speech in the name of their politics…how sad
… was the letter a cease and desist order? Sorry, no censorship here, just registration of disapproval. Is there a standard that the Senate shouldn’t express an opinion on private matters? Not that it would apply here anyway,… these are public airwaves he used.
…doesn’t know what “schluss mit dir” bedeutet. I am uninterested in dealing with idiots.
have absolutely no clue , don’t know or more importantly don’t care what “schluss mit dir” bedeutet means because they speak English. This is America. Geesh, raj why don’t you just move to Germany and get it over with and then you can spray all the German insults you want and can be as obnoxious as you want to be.
Wow! what an incredible boor you are, sir.
just because I’m such a fan of the word “boor”.
Tom, shame on you. The kid the Republicans and Rush slimed on S-CHIP was a private citizen. Rush is as public as they get.
…of the Congressional condemnation of over the whole General Betrayus flap? Hint: if you want to be consistent and intellectually honest, you should be equally outraged over that “abuse of power”…
and much like a corporation, has no personal identity and is subject to oversight and condemnation as to what “it” says. This is an huge difference from attacking a private citizen and attempting to suppress his individual first amendment rights. Do you grasp the difference?
Move on. ORG is an “organization”
Apparently, you are unaware that any entity can register a web address under any of a number of designations, including .com, .org,, .net, and others–including national designations (, for example, is the US clothing distributor, but is the German news magazine). I’ve even noticed that some entities register under more than one–both .com and .org, for example.
I doubt that the entity that controls the web addresses would allow a non-governmental entities to register under a .gov designation, but that’s about the only limitation that I’ve noticed.
and a piece of useless information that is common knowledge. But then again, everyone , except raj , of course, is “totally stupid” in raj’s incredibly egotistical mind. I was hoping we’d get the full blown spew on how great Germany is and why it is so much better than the USA but we were spared that psycho-babble this time and got only “Germany lite”. The next post will contain some glowing reference to Germany as they all do, I’m sure. When are you moving there permanently raj ? Anyone as boored to tears hearing about the greatness of Germany here as I am?
Anyway, Move On. org is actually a “family of organizations” according to their own definition on their site Move on
and it is also a Federal PAC . The all knowing raj can explain that to the unwashed here which I’m sure he will anyway..
Again the point here is (raj’s straw man irrelevant BS regarding internet domain protocol aside)that as an “organization” , Move On is subject to rules applicable to a non corpus entity i.e a corporation, etc. and DOES NOT have the same protection afforded to a private citizen with Constitutional rights . Case closed. Would you like to argue that one in court, Mr Know it all?
In fact, are you ever not condescending?
I am amazed at how quick you are to accuse others of your own faults, but perhaps that is just part of your shtick.
…made up of millions of people – I’m one of them. When you censure, you are attempting to limit my free speech rights. But then, I guess you threw consistency and intellectual honesty out the window years ago, when you decided life as a dittohead was easier, eh, Tom?
Geesh, even raj will tell you that your premise that as memmber of Move Org that your first amendment rights are being violated is beyond ridiculous. Actually, pathetically laughable and a total disclosure of your complete ignorance of the law..
Thanks for the “ditto head” insult. Have another glass of kool aid and maybe you won’t be so nasty.
…and by legal defination has lost some rights of a “private citizen”. It comes with the territory. Raj is right when he summed up this post as one of the stupidest things he read. Of course if you are indeed Asa (and I think you are), that is a easy bar for you to make.
…I actually prefer “raj” (all lower case) even at the beginning of a sentence. Seven or eight years ago, when I was posting on a rather intelligent conservative (!) message board (yes, there were some), one of the fly-by-night posters suggested that I go back to India. It took me a while to get up off the floor having laughed my hind end off.
Other than that, you’re pretty much on course.
Yes! By all means! We don’t like and will not tolerate what this private citizen has to say! How dare he speak out against the People’s Republik’s all powerful Senate! Off to concentration camp with him for political indoctrination! Screw the Bill of Rights!
If you think raj is “right’ then this country is in big trouble
Why not they’re public figures that are saying things that a lot of people don’t agree with. Ya! Let’s trash their First Amendment rights. I want Harry Reid to send them a letter that what they’re saying pisses me off and I demand that the Senate censors them! How ridiculous does that sound?
Your ignorance in this matter is staggering
You kept hanging on to this “private citizen” crap and a more appropriate definition is “public figure”, yes just like Gore, Moore and Moyer. How is that ignorant? What is clearly ignorant is your use of language and how poorly you choose you words to present an arguement.
Please give us your learned and authoritative dissertation on what Constitutional rights a private citizen surrenders as a result of being considered a “public figure “?
I eagerly await your explanation based on your outstanding knowledge of the law especially in the area of first amendment rights.
However, I get the feeling that somehow your response will degenerate into the frustrated, illogical and panicked rantings of something like that of a man with a paper ass in a forest fire. Ending of course, with a flurry of personal insults to me. Speak, Oh learned one.
… did the Senate do to Mr. Limbaugh’s speech rights? Nothing as far as I can detect.
why don't you post the content of this letter that has you climbing the walls?
I'd like to see what you think an attack on a private citizen looks like. Especially the censorship part.
Personally I think the drug addict auctioned off the letter and made the donation to try to redeem himself for calling our soldiers “phoneys”.
all the politicians who abused the powers of their Senatorial office by endorsing it. Letter
Perhaps the most depicable part of this whole thing is that this loser harry reid after hearing that the Marine Corp and fallen police officers will now benefit by over 4 million dollars, is spinning this disgrace such that he now somehow wants to claim credit for the results of his incredibly abusive letter regarding a private citizen. This gives a whole new meaning to the term “Hutspah”. Fortunately, the American people can see him and his colleagues for what they are.
Nothing wrong with that letter. It is a call for public repudiation from the broadcasters and an apology from the Addict. You are thrashing around like a flounder on meth for pretty much no reason at all.
Each time I step up to the plate you want to walk me. 🙂
that Lindbaugh is talking about Phony soldiers he was referring to ……AP article ..excerpt as follows:
“In the segment where Limbaugh made the “phony soldiers” comment, he discussed Jesse Macbeth, who was sentenced to five months in prison last month for faking his military service. The Tacoma, Wash., man was kicked out of the Army after six weeks at Fort Benning, Ga., in 2003, but he later claimed to have participated in war crimes in Iraq and tried to position himself as a leader of the anti-war movement.
Limbaugh has said he was referring only to Macbeth when he discussed “phony soldiers.”
And then we have the dirtbag Harry Reid’s incredible hutspah and hypocrisy attacking lindbaugh for not serving in the military while this Reid loser never served himself reid service.
And lastly, I see no contributions from all the millionaire politicians who signed this disgraceful document. Not only are they stupid and abusive but they’re also really cheap.
Listen to Limbaugh’s words or read the transcript.
opinion if ever there was one…LMAO! Can you reference a source that Hilary and the left wing doesn’t own? Try the Associated Press. At least there’s a chance that what they have to say isn’t biased partisan bullshit and might actually contain the facts. . Do your research college boy. It’s a D- for you on this one thus far. Hey at least you got a “6” from the echo chamber. Pathetic.
There is nothing at that link but an unedited length of audio clip and a transcript!
Are you saying that the truth has a liberal bias? 🙂
…not Media Matters. Sorry, buddy. Media Matters’ analysis could be biased as all hell, but that doesn’t change the fidelity of the reprinted Rush transcript and the Rush audio clip. See the difference?
Would you care to engage the substance of the link, or just lazily assail MM and me with ad hominems because you got nothing? I’ll post the link again for your convinience. Feel free to actually look this time and examine how Rush calls our troops phony soldiers.
We can't say that he was lying.
Perhaps he had a brief moment in his life of unquestioning acceptance of an authoritative voice and wanted to march with it in lock step in a manner that small minded people tend to do. 😉
Limbaugh, whether you agree with him or not, has taken this poorly considered letter and has artfully turned it against the gaggle of ill-informed, self-important cowards who put their names to it.
It’s amusing to observe hypocrites, who chided congress for meddling in the Shiavo and the’s Betray Us flaps, finding no fault with this feckless bunch, who fell all over themselves to sign a letter based on an outright lie in an effort to pander to reactionary wingnuts.
By singling out Citizen Limbaugh for abuse, and by penning his own lil’ pretend bill of attainder, Harry Reid has been proved a complete ass through his own petulant and ignorant disregard not only of the facts, but for decorum as well.
debilitating partisan bias obstructing his view of the truth… way to go Geo999 … well done. I would like to award your post with a “6” but chose not to do so as they have become as cheap as dirt in this biased , back slapping echo chamber. The so called ‘rating’ system here has deteriroated into nothing more than some kind of high school joke to the point where a “6′ on your post would be an insult.
A number of proofs, some of them quite pretty, have been devised for the Pythagorean Theorem. Now, twice almost in the same day, we have proven to ourselves that Toms Opinion is impervious to counter-argument. This fact is neither as enlightening nor as useful as Proposition 47 of Euclid’s Elements.
We might want to address ourselves to more useful undertakings. Some ideas: (1) Helping Senator Dodd out with his hold on the FISA bill. Perhaps our Senators could use a call? (2) Thinking hard about how to make the Patrick Administration a success in the face of 16 years of Republican mal-administration and an ossified legislature. (3) Thinking hard about how to get the Democratic Congress to act like, well, a Democratic Congress.
While the stupidity of the Iraq occupation grinds on and the Arctic ice melts and Judge Ginsberg gets older, we can be sure that Toms Opinion will keep us informed of the steady progress of his dyspepsia. Might we more simply ask him to take two Zantac and call us in the morning? We have policy questions to work out and political opportunities to take advantage of.
KBusch. Now seeks to baffle you with bullshit with some kind of learned reference to “Proposition 47 of Euclid’s Elements”. Wow! Sounds Impressive, don’t you agree? His professors probably slurp his BS up like cream…then followed by a shift in topic about his views on “We might want to address ourselves to more useful undertakings.”.. Do I detect some kind of ego problem with this pompous little BU undergrad?
The “us” and “ourselves” third party reference he uses is a common symptom of egomania but in his case it’s clear that he merely has a turd in his pocket.
Would you like a Kleenex?
…planar geometry.
Question: what is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle?