Ogo says he won’t raise social security taxes, he won’t cut benefits, and he won’t raise the retirement age. So he proposes no solution. Completely irresponsible. At least Mr. Constitution Party says he’d rather abolish the whole system. Niki says she’d look at raising the cap.
“Broken government” question: name an initiative from the other party you’d support. Niki names SCHIP and Bush’s immigration bill. Two good answers.
Same question to Ogo, but he AGAIN refuses to answer. He can’t come up with a Democrat-sponsored bill that he’d support. Pressed by Braude, Jim says he loves nature, so maybe there’s an environmental bill he’d support. Well, at least that’s more than he was willing to say before.
We’re into the closing statements. Patrick Murphy just did himself proud — the only true populist statement heard ’round these parts in some time. Kudos.
Niki starts by offering her good wishes to the Red Sox. Heh. She emphasizes an Iraq timetable, and overriding Bush’s veto in SCHIP.
Ogo says “clearly” this election is a referendum on Congress. He says both Democrats and Republicans have betrayed the public trust. It’s time to return government back to the people. He says I will always represent your interests, not the special interests.
And there we go.
Does logic even live in the same town as this guy? Oh wait, he’s from Dracut…
One gets the sense Ogo never even looked at these issues, the numbers, the dollar signs, the logical debate on either side (which, there actually is one). He seems to have this gut hate on for illegal immigrants. It borders on obsessive.
Maybe he needs a shrink, instead of a Congressional seat. Everything flows back to the illegal immigrant question for him.
Ogonowski took notes from the Washington D.C. Republicans: Don’t worry about factual accuracy, just go from the gut!
It’s been known to win elections… and lose wars, too, on the other hand.
Ogo talks about how Congress is broken…the corruption and backroom deals…
My husband handily snarks, “What’s he doing in the Republican party then??”
lies about Iraq; lies about torture; no-bid, cost-plus contracts to Bush’s texas buddies…a rubber stamp congress worked wonderfully for the first six years of the century huh?
And the Republican Party is all about those!
… so he joins the party that has gotten so incestuously in bed with K street with their $%*$ so far up eachother’s *&#@ that among the lobbyists and the ‘legislators’ it is indistinguishable who is supposed to be flacking for lobby interests and who is supposed to be writing legislation.
ogo can’t find 90 seconds of something to say. I can’t decide if that’s an admirable trait in a politician or not.
Tsongas — against… so what if Marty said he would limit his term
Ogo– for… no longer than 10 years with a possible return after 16 years
On campaign fund warchest
Tsongas… cap it ( how much? who knows?) and be required to do something with it after a period of time (how long? who knows?)
Ogo– donate it to UMASS lowell
Tsongas… opening remark .. red sox???? who cares? what does that have to do with the issues? Too bad there weren’t a few babies available to kiss….politics as usual.
Ogo…clumsy…uncomfortable. struggled with his message that change is needed in Washington.
Other 3 ? typical “Mass debate” visa vis the Patrick/ Kerry farce where irrelevant “candidates” with ZERO chance to win disrupted and prevented mano et mano debate between the two legitimate contenders.
If anyone was watching this thing, I think the widow Tsongas should be worried. Her end the war , bash Bush crap is sounding really old.
Ogo sounds like “mr. smith goes to washington” and is just home spun “corny” enough to pull this off.
for not jumping on the prescribed political bandwagon on this “issue”. When I voted Dem last Nov 7 I expected
But instead I got
Seig heil.
why 10 years on, 4 off, then on again? that’s an odd equation.
Popular congressmen can continue to serve, but their advantage from incumbency is diluted.
I don’t support it, myself, but I think that’s the rationale.
let’s face it, we all know how things work here in the People’s Republic. Once entrenched, the career politician is like a cancer that can not be removed. He corrupts his constituents with jobs, favors, contracts, you name it and is a secured a lifetime political power and privledge. Ever wonder how a politician with a published state salary of $55k can own a townhouse on Beacon hill and a 600k summer home in Dennis??? Hmmm..must be Massachusetts… what a joke.
I never did find out if Marty decided in his new “position” with UMASS if he wanted a Cadillac like his pal Deval and a chauffeur…. can you believe it? This guy’s contract comes with a limo and Chauffeur and these crooks want to raise your tolls and draconian taxes AGAIN???
… did something similar in electing a Consul. I think it was one year on then ten years before you could stand for election again. The whole thing broke down under Marius who was re-elected several years in a row because Rome was desperate to keep a competent military man in power so as to defend against the threatening Germans. I actually consider the whole episode as a foreshadowing of the Empire that followed not long after. Its almost as if the nation anticipated a need for a more concentrated power base to handing governing during the changes that were happening at the time.
But I thought Ogo was in the National Guard, not the Roman Legion. Better check his website again…
Why does it seem this way? I have left leaning friends who are woefully uninformed about most things politics and social thought who by into the oggity boogity immigrants brown people ooggity boogity (to steal a phrase) argument. All you have to do is use “immigrants” and “your tax dollars” in a sentence and people will automatically agree.
It seems to me as far back as 2005, the Republicans have carved out illegal immigration as the ’08 version of gay marriage. A boogey man put into simple terms that will get people in the center to consider voting Republican. Taking in all that, is it really Ogonoswki’s fault that he acts so anti-immigrant?
I’d bet (and this is based on my non-expert conjecture and nothing else) that irrational distain for illegal immigrants and the over-hyping of the illegal immigrant “crisis” (see: White Supremacy-tied Numbersusa) is a greater motivator thane either SCHIP or Iraq. SCHIP has only been followed by the people paying attention and people have Iraq fatigue and realize that the Dem congress is currently impotent on this issue. But immigrant hatin’ is easy and accessible to anyone. Nobody likes illegal immigrants “soaking up our tax dollars and stealing SCHIP from babies”.
you are correct.
are you joking? if not then you must know that this latest Dem give away considers 25 year old sons and daughters as “children”??? that it will pay for the health care of “children’ of families with incomes of $80,000 ????
Meanwhile Bush is portrayed as a villain and heartless bastard because he doesn’t think that spending 30 Billion dollars to subsidize $80 k families and 25 year old children? But then again, how will well to do middle class families be able to keep the “children” in private schools without government subsidized health care?
Are you serious? Do have a clue what this is all about?
that’s why he will…um, what again? How will he vote?
How amny kids must a family have to qualify at 80,000 and what are the conditions that children age 25 are covered. Or are these make believe talking points?
I’ve worked with immigrants for decades. From the Carribean, Africa, Asia…legal or not, I have no idea.
What I do know is this. I’d be willing to say that 99.9% of them are decent, hardworking people. I can say from experience that the smallest gesture to reach out to them is met with an amazing amount of gratitude.
I get ill everytime I hear them demonized as “lawbreakers.” They’re pretty much all people trying to live. You won’t find any other group of people who are as consistent in just trying hard to get along and we should be doing more to welcome and integrate them.
We ALL come from someplace else.
the issue? Americans have no problem with immigrants that follow the process and enter the country legally according to our laws.
Where we have a problem is with people that sneak in in the middle of the night like the criminals that they are in breaking our laws. What is it about this concept that you don’t understand?
The right has lost all credibility with the “law and order” talking point. See Gonazales, Libby, Cheney, Cunningham, Vitter, Foley, et. al.
Joey DiFatta
…we should not divide restrooms by men and women, rather we should have a Democrat rest room and a Republican men’s room. Does that make me a segregationist? Is this too reminiscent of the old Jim Crow laws. Is the right to pee without getting propositioned yet another right the Republicans are trampling for the rest of us?