He then laid out his agenda to fight global warming. He proposes to impose an auction, cap and trade system on carbon emissions that gradually decreases the cap, reducing greenhouse pollution by 80% by 2050. The auction part is key both because he uses that money to fund alternative technologies and conservation initiatives makes the system more like a tax and because it makes the polluters accountable.
Then he said something else note worthy he considers his current caps a minnimum. If the warning signs and science become worse he believes they may have to be reduced faster.
In addition, Edwards noted we’re in a competition right now with China to be the worst greenhouse gas polluter and that’s a competition we don’t want to win. But, in order to lead the world on global warming we have to start at home.
Already the environmental blog Grist has called Edwards plan the best of the top three Democrats on global warming.
John Edwards is running left. What mixture of genuine sentiment and political calculation is behind that strategy only he knows, but it’s translated into far and away the strongest, most comprehensive climate and energy plan among the three Democratic front-runners. He’s stumping for 80 percent cuts in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2050, and fleshing that goal out with detailed proposals for big boosts in renewables and fuel efficiency, changes to the energy grid and efficiency standards (the only front-runner to emphasize these), a green-jobs program, and more. On these issues, Edwards has done his homework and he’s not trimming his sails. — DR
A plan I am thrilled to see him highlight.
Cross posted at Boston for Edwards and Dailykos
As an aside, Edwards may have said Al Gore IS right. I started clapping, then couldn’t remember what tense he used. WAS works if he meant was right all along, before most other people. Though, of course, Gore is still right about those issues.
Abolish Guantanamo, shut it down.
That holding someone without charges and without a hearing was not what America is about. He said he would abolish the secret prisons, and work to reach the rising generations in Muslim countires [and got specific about how, at least I thought so].
As I recall he also touched on torture, renditions, and illegal wire tapping too, then added something like, “I shouldn’t even have to say these things in America.”
back to killing Americans after release from Gitmo
How many times do we have to capture or kill these fanatical animals? When will people understand that these terrorists want to kill us? Is another 911 needed to make this point AGAIN?
Tom says so. Who needs fact when you can get a fast conviction based on pure fear and pathological hate?
Tom, when these bastards are executed, I hope we can count on you to lend a hand. And I mean literally. Shall we disembowel them first, or just go right to the piking? The women too? Can you organize a rape gang for the execution-eve party? What would be a more apt venue – Lexington Green, Central Park or Kennebunkport? Can’t wait – this’ll be great!
in “42”….. tried and executed in 24 days…. no ACLU around in those days I guess…works fine for me.
While your busy hugging and kissing radical muslim terrorists,
just be careful they don’t cut your head off. After all,they’re really nice people. Just misunderstood that’s all.
or they would be, if they could just get past the endless throng of professional christians and american fear-mongers who are clawing to get in and strip me of my civil rights and humanity.
so, by your dodging my party planning i must conclude that you’re all talk and no action. you disappoint me, Asa. but they always say that bullies are cowards at heart.
…before they were executed.
Granted it was before a military court, but they did get a hearing. BTW, it has been rumored that the hearing was before a military court instead of a civilian court to spare the FBI of embarrassment over their screw-ups in regards the incident.
The inmates in Guantanamo, by and large, have not had hearings to determine their status as so-called “enemy combatants.”
… I can’t trust Bush to change a light bulb without screwing it up and lying about it.
…one of the spies walked into the FBI and said “I’m a spy”. Clearly, they were spies. They weren’t kidnapped and sold to America for millions of dollars profit like 86% of Gitmo’s residents.
or any other US territory. I don’t doubt that some of the prisoners in Gitmo are bad guys, but it is very clear at this point that many of the people brought there were totally innocent so that no rational person should believe that all of the current inmates are all terrorists.
Of course, if you are not a rational person, go ahead and believe anything you want.
English ruling on Gores movie
also believes that gay couples should get marriage equivalents (and they do now, too!). ain’t them ferun courts a bitch?
the point is that a pet trick of the arch conservative is to use the ruling of a foreign court when it supports their views, but refuse it’s applicability when the opposite is true. kinda like cherry-picking the bible. if i have mis-characterized you as an arch conservative, i do apologize.
Either you have a female Lieberman in Hillary Clinton and four years of mediocre DLC leadership in the White House or you can get a true progressive leader in the form of Barack Obama.
Its over for Edwards. He cant win in IA, his campaign is losing funds, and Hillary is solidifying her lead. It is crucial that a solid anti-Hillary faction forms so the inevitability of her nomination is crushed. It is essential for Edwards who is far too left of the economic center of most swing voters to pack up and go home, though I think he’d make a great Labor secretary in an Obama administration this way he can still fight for these issues. But in all seriousness so long as its a three way race the worst candidate wins.