Independent Patrick Murphy and Constitution Party guy Kevin Thompson started out talking about how both parties are broken. Ogo sounded startlingly similar. Interesting … Kurt Hayes is doing the same thing. I think everyone, except maybe Patrick Murphy, has mentioned Congress’ 11% approval rating.
Niki launches right into rebutting Ogo’s distortions: says she opposes raising Soc Sec retirement age, opposes amnesty, and favors bringing troops home. Looking for a “truthful discussion.” And now onto SCHIP. Interesting strategy — no general platitudes in her opening. Gets her vote to override Bush’s veto right onto the record.
1st question (to Murphy): what’s the top urban priority? Murphy turns it into his plan for economic development.
2nd question (to Tsongas): Iraq funding question. She will not vote to add additional troops, but will always support troops that are there on the ground, and supports a timetable for withdrawal. Thompson jumps in — no more money for troops. Murphy talks up his shared sacrifice act. Ogo wants to bring home all the troops, but only when we have a “safe and stable Iraq.” Whenever that is. Uh oh — here comes the Tom Brady on the football field analogy. Gaah!
3rd question (to Ogo): Matt Murphy asks about the SCHIP veto. And here comes Jim Idon’tknowski! He says Congress should “take out the provision giving these benefits to illegal immigrants.” Of course, no such provision exists. But he still refuses to answer. Unbelievable. Niki again offers Ogo a copy of the bill to prove that he’s wrong about it.
Thompson says Ogo’s doing the Washington two-step by refusing to disclose how he’d vote. Ogo continues to refuse to answer. Shameful.
4th question (to Murphy): current tax system, fair tax, flat tax, or other? Ogo says keep the Bush taxcuts permanent. He claims the Bush taxcuts are worth $4,000 to the average MA-05 family.
Tsongas says to reverse the Bush taxcuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans — those who make $450,000 or more — and keep in place the taxcuts which benefits other Americans.
5th question (to Tsongas): what is your position on illegal immigration? Opposed to “amnesty.” Favors tough border security, hold employers accountable — that’s the problem going forward. But the problem we have is 12 million undocumented workers. “Earned path to citizenship” is not amnesty — have to go to back of line, pay back taxes, learn English.
Ogo says the “earned path to citizenship that my opponent suggests [memo to EaBo: will you call out Ogo’s rudeness?] is amnesty.” Well, Jim, you can call it amnesty, or you can call it a bottle of ketchup. Neither is accurate. Stop playing semantic games.
6th question to Ogo: what will you do about the street gang problem in Lowell and Lawrence? Ogo says we have to make government work for the people again. Ah — there’s a solid plan! Make the tax cuts permanent! Hey, that’s what the gang kids need! I’m not kidding, he really said that.
Tsongas says it’s all about education — should fully fund headstart, after-school programs.
7th question (for Hayes): Social Security is going bankrupt. Do you support raising retirement age, cutting benefits, or lifting the cap? Hayes supports raising the cap, but nothing is off the table.
Ogo will not raise taxes, cut benefits, or increase retirement age. Excellent — so he has no solution.
Tsongas reiterates: she’s opposed to raising the retirement age. Will keep the safety net in place.
8th question: which prez candidate’s health care plan resembles your position? Murphy says he’s with Kucinich — single payer. Thompson is with Ron Paul. Ogo doesn’t support FEMA. And no I’m not kidding. He likes the Massachusetts model. (So, what, he’s with Hillary? What does that mean?) Hayes supports private insurance. Tsongas supports guaranteed access to health care. Backs Clinton, Obama, and Edwards plans, each of which are “shared responsibility” plans. And she takes on Ogo’s point that federal government has no role — points out that the Massachusetts model does depend on federal programs and dollars.
Ogo says he does not support universal health care like FEMA. Gaah!!
And now, the closings.
Tsongas: wants to go to DC to partner with people of this district. She’s doing a very nice closing here — tying the positions on “issues” to how it relates to the people of the MA-05 district.
Hayes playing the parties are broken card again.
Ogo says the election is a referendum on Congress. Now he’s reciting talking points on “amnesty” and illegal immigration, and oddly tying it to Walter Reed. Says he’s not a partisan politician. But really, what is the evidence of that being true?
Thompson says enough is enough.
Murphy is talking about money in politics.
Gary LaPierre is wrapping things up.
Ogo says he’s not for sending money to Washington bureaucrats who will funnel it into big government programs like FEMA. His logic: if FEMA is such a disaster, why should we trust them to do anything?
Good question, Ogo. What’s more Big Government than a $2 billion per day war? If we can trust the government to run FEMA, why should we trust them to continue to persecute a failed war? Why, Jim, should I continue to send my money to Washington so that it’s funneled into a country 5,000 miles away? People bitch about all the money this county spends on the 12 million illegal immigrants here, what about the $190 Billion we spend outside the country against less than 5,000 al-Qaeda?
If Ogo is really against big government, he’d be against the big government of the military industrial complex.
…over the next 6 months, it should read.
That’s the sound of Eabo’s head exploding. He must be pissed so get ready for some anti-Meehan sanctimony.
I gave polite applause to the Chancellor of my alma matter. I kept the rage intact. I was there. I did almost shout out “Bring back the Chiefs” when he mentioned the word that shall not be spoken “River Hawks” what a horrendous name for a sports team.
I joked with some people that Jim should introduce a resolution when in congress that says:
It is the sense of this Congress that since there is no such animal as a River Hawk and that the University of Massachusetts should revert to it’s original mascot The Chief.
is that Marty Meehan is no longer a congressman. Unlike Ethel Eliopoulos of Lowell, I didn’t have to die to see my wish come true.
…in regards to the tax cuts? Didn’t Niki claim that she will not repeal the middlc class tax cuts, only the cuts for those who earn $450K and above?
as i recall, it was a few hundred bucks.
and of course it is all a joke anyways, since we’re all mortgaged to the hilt because of the war.
i liked patrick’s challenge – something along the lines of “how are you going to keep social security ticking if you don’t fund it”?
Ogo: Fema sucks, get rid of it!
Patrick: Well who’s going to do the job when a disaster strikes?
No one is talking about repealing the entire tax cut. The only thing anyone has got on the table is the top 1 or 2% of wage earners.
says Ogonowski, “if you do that you’ll drop the 5th district average savings from 4 grand to $400!”