The Mass Dems call our attention to the fact that Jim Ogonowski, Mr. “I’m not a partisan politician,” Mr. “I’m not a Washington insider,” has called in one of Washington, DC’s most extreme partisans, Duncan Hunter. From the press release:
In an 11th-hour appeal for votes, Congressman Duncan Hunter was called in to Massachusetts today by Jim Ogonowski.
“It is very telling that the Ogonowski campaign would turn to a 25-year Washington veteran with a rabid, right wing agenda.” Said party Chairman John Walsh. “With his opposition to the kids’ health care legislation, a woman’s right to choose, and stem cell research, Republican Congressman Hunter could not be more out of step with the district.”
Voters in the 5th District should not be accused of flunking their civics lesson for the day if they did not know where Congressman Hunter stacks up on the issues, so the Massachusetts Democratic Party, provides this handy crib sheet.
Duncan Hunter, a last-minute surrogate for the Ogonowski campaign:
· Opposes the bill to expand the kids health care program to cover America’s uninsured children. Hunter claims “this is socialized medicine.” (ABC News, GOP presidential debate, 8/5/07)
· Is vehemently anti-choice. Hunter has sponsored legislation (H. 552 of 2005) to prohibit abortion and in his words “effectively overturn Roe v. Wade.” (… )
· Is an ardent opponent of stem cell research. Hunter brags on his campaign website about his vote to oppose the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act ( http://www.gohunter0… ) and has said that Nancy Reagan is wrong when she advocates for federal funds for embryonic stem cell research. (MSNBC GOP debate, 5/3/07)
Let’s not forget Terri Schiavo:
Not exactly a guest who makes him look sane in the eyes of the non-racist voters who make up the majority of our state.
Duncan Hunter is actually one of the few far right conservative I actually respect, he is completely wacko on social issues, but he was one of the few GOP presidential candidates who actually understood security issues, brought in IR theory, and actually admitted that the War on Terror is a small fork in the road from much more threatening long term challenges.
Presumably they brought Hunter in because he was a Vietnam war hero and a big hawk on security issues to emphasize the patriotism/military service angle of Ogo.
That said they probably could’ve brought in a GOP war hero congressmen that was an expert on security issues and not bat shit insane, like John Warner, Chuck Hagel, or Dick Lugar. Oh well.