This is about as simple as it gets. Per the New York Times:
If Mr. Mukasey’s nomination reaches the Senate floor, moderate Democrats appear likely to join Republicans to produce a majority for confirmation. But a party-line vote in the Judiciary Committee, which seemed a possibility, could block the nomination from reaching the floor.
KLAXON! Spin Alert Disregard the editorializing by the Times about what will happen should Mukasey’s nomination reach the Senate floor. That’s just the grey lady helping to enable the flaccid wing of the Democratic Party.
Now, concentrate on the fact that the Democrats can block the confirmation of this ludicrous nominee — who first claimed not to know what waterboarding was and now, his education apparently more complete, can’t decide whether it is legal or not. The Senate might as well confirm a Muppet for Attorney General if this is the analysis we get on a difficult issue. The Democrats have a chance to vote against waterboarding and against a nominee who insults us with his prevarications. They should use it.
Even if half of what we are reading is true, it would seem that more is going on here than has been dribbled out. This particular office can devastate individuals or entire Parties as we have just recently witnessed. The whinning coming from our Dem leaders is soooo embarassing. The nominee is bad for our country and shows a willingness to be spoon fed the answers by Baby Doc. Who in hell is looking out for us?? From what is being reported this AM re Rumsfeld, we need this Dem Congress to do what is necessary to absolutely put someone in serious detention. What a terrible way to have started this century.
…and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:2
Never have I seen a Biblical passage more apt than this instance.
If the Democrats allow Mr. Mukasey the position of Attorney General we can rest assured that the functions of government have failed, that our elected representatives are a collective failure. More weasel than Mr. Mukasey. We can look forward to a “Bush 3” government with whomever wins the next election. The John Yoo counsel that the American President inherits the power of the British King will become true.
Our time as a free people will have ended.
It would be a ringing endorsement of torture.
Picture Uncle Sam leaning over you with a dental drill. “We have ways of making you talk!”
There’s just no way, after all that has gone down, to see confirmation in any other light. You can’t say, at this point, Oh, we didn’t know, we were fooled.
There is a reason Mukasey made those provocative, seemingly idiotic remarks about not knowing if waterboarding is torture, followed by token calculated backpedaling. The reason is to make the opposition a complicit partner in horror. It had better not work.
Failure to repudiate torture puts at risk U.S. forces in the Mideast and elsewhere for at least a generation.
If that does not concern Democrats in the Senate, it also destroys the party’s moral claims going into the 2008 elections.
Long past time to take a stand.
I am disgusted that the Party I have been a member of for over 40 years has come to this. The Democratic Party, once a light against racism and poverty is filled with souls only seeking to be sold to the highest bidder. They will find that souls are cheap. They have also sold the futures of our children.
Today I became an Independent.
Anyone miss this?
Mukasey: Can the Democrats lead?
…no. Democrats have shown themselves to be invertibrates.