You can’t be an everyman and be able to take months away from work to run for election. You can’t be an everyman and be able to spend thousands of dollars towards being elected.
You can’t claim not to be a political insider while you get thousands of dollars from your husband’s political friends that live out side of the Commonwealth.
Basing an ad campaign on saying that this guy has the same thoughts as this evil president on two issues, so he too must be evil is just low rent politics and it disgusts me.
Now we’re getting into “well he didn’t say he was running for Congress in the radio ad so he should be fined” and claims that Ogo is doing something wrong because he has some signs on public property. If you really need to be told that Tsongas or Ogo is running for Congress then your vote shouldn’t count. You too uneducated to make a good decision. Do you really expect anyone to believe that Tsongas has never put signs on public property?
Is this really were political discourse is going in this state and country?
Is this just a preview of how bad the presidential campaign is going to be?
Are we ever going to get politicians that we can feel good about and not just hold our noses and pick one?
OK, I’m done bitching. I’m just going to put on my iPod, listen to some Jimmy Buffett and ignore the world for the rest of today, based on the way the Sox have been playing, maybe the rest of the week.
Cross posted at RMG.
to going back to like maybe…2 emails a day? Instead of 10. That all say the same thing.
the zero was a joke.
The beauty of an iPod is that, along with holding about 50,000 songs, one else has to be bothered by what I listen too. đŸ˜‰
Except when we catch the ads meant for New Hampshire in the primary and the general.
…polls close at 8PM, and it shouldn’t take them more than two hours to tabulate the votes in a single issue election.
…. the continuing failure of the two party system.
By the way this is a link to the US Constitution
Please show me where it talks about representative democracy and the free expression of speech benefiting from only having 2 political parties? Something the first George W (as in Washington) warned against.
Back to the polls to stump for Murphy.
In a world where soundbites win elections, politics is not for those who crave purity.
But this is a forum for political junkies and we are going to talk about elections. I like this special election since its actually competitive, there is a quirky and interesting district that I have some knowledge about involved, and two flawed candidates that still could pull out surprise punches. Also it has national ramifications and could be a playbook for 2008 for either party (in terms of Congressional races).
That said JK if you live in the district and have been bombarded with ads, mailings, etc. than I know how you feel. Chicago felt like that in 2006 when we had two nationally important races going on and every other advertisement was an attack ad. It was brutal. And don’t forget Boston either when we had the Muffy attack ads.
There’s been a dirth of coverage of this race from the media, save maybe the most local papers (and even then, I’d say there wasn’t enough). Now, unfortunately, much of the little coverage was paid toward issues that aren’t in fact issues, such as spouses, brothers and stories completely unrelated to what it takes in order to be a solid congressperson, but that doesn’t mean there’s been too much coverage.
All that said, the comparisons to Bush are certainly a valid point. For most of the campaign, Oganowski was running as a non-partisan Republican who wouldn’t give into the national party and would seek bi-partisan solutions to our problems. What does he do? Hires national people to run his campaign, who urge him to run anti-immigrant. He’s following Bush right on S-CHIP, Iraq and many other issues, despite his claims to be nonpartisan, blah, blah, blah. Combined with his national help, I think it’s hard to say that he’s not pandering to many of the partisan issues that fuel the fire in the Republican base. It’s sad, too, because if he ignored those national hacks… he may have been able to win.
The one thing I do agree with, though, is that it’s fairly rediculous for Tsongas to run as an outsider. She’d have been more honest and effective if she ran as an insider who’d know what she was doing in office and would be a stable, effective hand who was able to build political capital quickly in office, so she could make an impact far sooner. Thankfully, Oganowski was such a horrendous campaigner that it shouldn’t matter.
Plus: Republicans claiming to be independent don’t seem able to live up to those claims. Witness the Republican ho-ing and humming about the Iraq War in Congress without Republicans actually changing their votes.
“Independent” appears to be a purely rhetorical position.
when are they going to cut off funding for the war in Iraq???
Oh yeah that’s right, Ah hem.
and join us over at the anti-Illuminati crowd.
Hell, it makes far more logical sense.