I don't usually cut-and-paste from campaign emails, but this seems useful: Gov. Patrick and Sen. Kennedy are calling for volunteers for Niki. Here's the list of times and places you could help out (note — corrections made from original paste) —
Staging locations for Canvass on Saturday October 13th:
All canvasses on Saturday begin at 10:00 am:
- Lowell, 26 Market St, Tsongas Campaign HQ
- Acton, 136 Main St, Tsongas Campaign office (formerly Eldridge Campaign office)
- Lawrence, 265 Essex St, Tsongas Campaign office
- Haverhill, 145 S Main St, Law Offices of Bill Cox
Staging Locations for Canvass on Sunday October 14th:
All canvasses on Sunday begin at 12:00 noon:
- Lowell, 26 Market St, Tsongas Campaign HQ
- Acton, 136 Main St, Tsongas Campaign office (formerly Eldridge Campaign office)
- Lawrence, 265 Essex St, Tsongas Campaign office
- Haverhill, 145 S Main St, Law Offices of Bill Cox
- Groton, 75 Hollis St, Legion Hall
- Andover, 123 Old River Road, Wyndham Hotel (After the Unity breakfast)
- Phonebank Locations:
- Wednesday 10/10 5:30-8:45 PM Wannalancit Mills, 175 Cabot St, Lowell
- Wednesday 10/10 6:00-8:00 PM 184 Pleasant Valley St, Methuen
- Wednesday 10/10 6:00-8:00 PM 145 S. Main St, Haverhill
- Wednesday 10/10 5:30-8:00 PM 265 Essex St, Lawrence
- Wednesday 10/10 5:30-8:00 PM Mass Dems HQ, 56 Roland St, Boston
- Wednesday 10/10 5:30-8:00 PM 136 Main St, Acton
- Thursday 10/11 5:30-8:00 PM Mass Dems HQ, 56 Roland St, Boston
- Thursday 10/11 5:30-8:45 PM Wannalancit Mills, 175 Cabot St, Lowell
- Thursday 10/11 5:30-8:30 PM 136 Main St, Acton
- Saturday 10/13 10:00am – 8:00 PM Wannalancit Mills, 175 Cabot St, Lowell
- Sunday 10/14 12:00 – 4:00 PM Wannalancit Mills, 175 Cabot St, Lowell
- Monday 10/15 5:30 – 8:45 PM Wannalancit Mills, 175 Cabot St, Lowell
Please share widely!
peter-porcupine says
stomv says
raj says
…is not charging the Tsongas campaign for use of their facilities is—what?
peter-porcupine says
striker57 says
Over here on the Blue side we call that a coordinated campaign in support of the nominee. I can understand Ogo’s folks not getting the concept of party support – he is too busy running from his party’s leaders.
mcrd says
They are not. Do you suppose the Mills realizes that they are in violation of campaign contribution laws otherwise?
Probably just slipped their mind!
striker57 says
or are you just blowing smoke again?
raj says
centralmassdad says
Wasn’t just a few weeks ago that Saint Nikki of Tsongas was an evil puppet of an HMO, ducking the Beatific Jamie Eldridge on health care?
Yes, you guys have done yeoman’s work on explaining the niceties of subsidizing health insurance for middle class kids, but all that loses something in the sloganeering.
Reality based and campaign-based are almost mutually exclusive.
petr says
Who’s fault is that? Seriously, where do you get off lecturing anybody about reality?
p> The first politician to lie to me was Richard M. Nixon. I listened to Ronald Reagan bad-mouth Jimmy Carter endlessly and I wondered A) who the #@$!@ he was talking about and 2) who he expected to gull with his bull. I listened as Newt Gingrich lied about Clinton and Saxby Chambliss lie about Max Clelland. now George W. lies about everything. Reality? George W. Bush is a draft-dodging cowardly snipe and fuck all if people try to tell me John Kerry is a loser… do you have any idea how freakin broken you look grumbling about reality and disconnect here
You go yell at your conservative friends about distance from reality. We’re here trying to get some perspective. If all you can do is gripe and grumble and not add anything then good riddance to you…
mcrd says
There are folks on the left side of the aisle that are delusional. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that Republicans realize that Bush is a draft dodger. For some reason the folks on the left side of the aisle just can’t accept that John Kerry is what he is.
striker57 says
I know John Kerry didn’t hide in the air national guard or get 5 deferments to avoid military service. I know John Kerry is a combat veteran. I know John Kerry will vote to override the SCHIPs veto.
I know Republicans hate that John Kerry is everything they really want in a political leaders but they had to settle for the Cheney meat puppet
david says
If you can prove that, I’d really appreciate it.
charley-on-the-mta says
“grumble”? You’re sure that’s not a “whine”?
This is a representative democracy, and you don’t always get to vote for your perfect candidate. Tsongas is pretty darned good even so. Reality is that she’s a hell of a lot better than Ogonowski.
That’s really not hard to understand, except from whatever oasis of purity you seem to live in.
mcrd says
david says
mr-lynne says
… but a redundancy.
bob-neer says
As opposed to delusionally objective, like the Ogre’s claim that he has a coherent position on health care for middle class children, or Bush’s claim that we should invade Iraq to get their WMDs before they nuked us.
toms-opinion says
that has been touted to win by at least 15 points in a rout against a dumb conservative farmer? Calling for an all points bulletin by the alcoholic the moonbat? Apparently, Bubba and Nancy Pelosi weren’t enough? Curiouser and curiouser… do I detect the faint aroma of panic? Is the dumb ass, conservative farmer more dangerous to the one party State than anticipated?? Six more days to see , I guess. Hmmmmm…
laurel says
to support your candidate? why do you spend such a huge amount of time over here badmouthing others rather than talking up your guy? could it be because there’s nothing good to talk up, and you’re trying to divert attention from that sad fact? hafta tell ya friend, but it’s not working.
toms-opinion says
..as a “lightweight”..”not ready for prime time” a bucolic loser that is not “polished’? a loser by at least 15 points?
Please , stop heaving the rocks. You’re smashing the crap out of your own windows.
I’m not badmouthing anyone. Merely stating the facts. I think Nicki is in trouble especially when the only famous Dem that didn’t show up to stump for her was FDR and she’s losing. Ask the Lowell Police.
laurel says
if ogo is being badmouthed too much here, why don’t you balance the page and tell us, point for point, what is good about him? i know that that will be a lot of work, and that it is easier for you to just moan and groan, but why not give it a try? so far, not even peter porcupine has bothered to say anything in defense of ogo. only eabo has. can you help him? can you think of anything positive to say about your candidate. he is you candidate, is he not?
laurel says
but i guess i can understand if it might take you some time to get some positive remarks together.
toms-opinion says
why are you so afraid of him? Why turn out Bubba, Pelosi, and now appeal to the alcoholic Senator and the guy who promised to give property tax relief, Deval, to do an “APB”.. Gesh, If Ogo is that big a loser, why worry? He’s just a dumb conservative farmer , right?
I won’t waste anyone’s time going point for point because you don’t care and won’t listen anyway.. Your mind was made up as soon as the “Democrat” announced and that’s how totally partisan minds work.
This one is going to be one hell of a lot closer than the one party state partisans thought it was going to be. It should be interesting. Normally, here in the People’s Republik, this one should be a non event. However, the times they are a changin and I think people are just getting tired of the taxes, the corruption, the crime, Illegal aliens , the tolls and the same one party career politicians forever….. the time is at hand for change…., and if the Ogo underdog wins…look out horse face Kerry..you’re next!
laurel says
And so he just tries to trash the opposition. It’s a sad day for Ogo that his supporters can’t be bothered to say anything good about him.
toms-opinion says
Please be specific.
what I like and say that’s good about Ogo?
1. He’s a farmer and private citizen and not another friggin lawyer that wants to be a rich politician for life ..wow there’s a breath of fresh air all unto itself.
2. He’s FOR term limits. Unlike Meehan, he will not turn an honor to serve his country into a 5.1 million dollar campaign chest as a “career politician”.
3. He wants illegal aliens OUT and not Allowed in his and MY country unless they enter by obeying and honoring our immigration laws as a soverign country.
4. He does not want to discriminate against legal US citizens and their children by giving college tuition to people who are in our country illegally.
5. He does not believe that expanding SCHIPS to additional “children” that are 25 years old and members of families with incomes in excess of $80,000 at a cost of 35 BILLION dollars to the taxpayers is appropriate. He wants to extend the current ten year old bill in its present form until a new bill can be re written that fixes the current new liberal dem giveaway and also eliminates illegal alien participation.
6. He wants Americans to speak ENGLISH.
7. He is NOT a partisan politician as evidenced by a show of ZERO politicians stumping for him in this election. He will go to Washington without “owing” the party.
8 He is an American and a patriot and wants his country to WIN the war on terror. Cut, run and surrender is not acceptable to him.
These qualities are just some of the reasons this man deserves to win. Let’s see what the people have to say.
laurel says
for finally standing up for his candidate! Well done and thank you! I’m not saying that I think all of your pro-Ogo points are based in reality, but I am glad to see that you can think positively for the guy and not just negatively against everyone else.
Have you tried posting your praises over on his blog, as an encouragement to other supporters of his? I can’t help but think that the “0 Comments” marker after most of his blog entries makes it look like no one is interested in what he has to say.
david says
As I read and hear what Ogo is saying, his objection to the SCHIP bill as passed is only the immigration thing. He keeps saying the prez vetoed it for the wrong reason. So unless I completely misunderstand him — and that’s certainly possible, since he hasn’t been exactly forthcoming on the issue — he’d back the bill if the immigration thing were fixed to his satisfaction.
mr-lynne says
… if we already have an advantage?
Because thats what you do to win.
laurel says
while you enjoy your present rant here at BMG about evil liberals, keep this in mind: You couldn’t do that over at Og’s blog. Ogo screens out, well, as far as I can see, all reader-generated comments on his blog. But you’re a fan. Go over there and do some cheerleading for him. Do you suppose that he would allow your “assistance” to be posted?
toms-opinion says
Rant? I think you’re ranting here. Evil liberals? Isn’t that a term you made up? I don’t recall saying that? geesh calm down lady.
You’re so angry you’re irrational..
toms-opinion says
laurel says
Sleep well, so you can post something nice on BlOgonowski in the morning!
laurel says
sorry if i misinterpreted that and similar comments you’ve made (“assclowns” is my favorite) as something other than a love letter to non-republicans. my mistake!
huh says
Tom is correct that he’s never called us “evil liberals.”
His preferred slur is “gay liberal assclowns,” with “BMG assclowns” as a close runner-up.
It’s important to get these things right. đŸ™‚
laurel says
appropriately chastised. thank you.
mcrd says
Let’s settle it by stating that Niki T is on par with Ogonowski and settle it with a coin toss? Do you really want it to go to the voters?
The Massachusetts State Legislature knows when to keep things away from the voters!
laurel says
“Do you really want it to go to the voters?”
Yes, I actually do want the voters of MA-05 to decide who represents them in congress. Why, don’t you? This election has nothing to do with MA state legislators. I get the feeling that you trying to finish some state-level debate that concluded months ago on Beacon Hill. You do realize that Tsongas and Og are running for CONGRESSIONAL seats, right? You do realize that today is October 10th, yes?
hrs-kevin says
So “alcholic the moonbat” is supposed to be a complement?
kbusch says
hrs-kevin says
kbusch says
then the attacks are not exactly personal. To a misanthrope, everyone is despicable. The rest is just details.
toms-opinion says
people in the public domain were fine. They’re fair game , aren’t they? God knows that Mitt gets “personally attacked” here all the time…and let’s not forget W who is either an absolute moron or an evil genius ( haven’t figured which personal attack to believe yet) so that’s OK but calling an alcoholic Ted K an alcoholic is a problem? Is he an alky Kevin? Is it TRUE? Hmmmmmm… If the shoe fits,etc.
“Tom” has not personally attacked anyone here. Unfortunately a dissenting opinion is often construed as offensive and the troll moniker is invoked by people who claim to be progressive and believers in freedom of speech but are quick to demand censorship of any one who disagrees with them and substantiates their position with a rational argument and supporting links.
Fortunately, the principals here recognize and support rational debate regardless of its position, otherwise you would quickly have a church where only the “choir” was present to sing to each other.
hrs-kevin says
Everyone who posts here is to some extent making themselves into a public figure. Furthermore, Ted Kennedy himself is a member of this community so you have indeed attacked someone here.
I think everyone will agree that TK has had problems with alchol in the past, but do you have evidence that he currently is an alcholic? I think not. Anyway, you can go on talking like that as long as you like since it only tends to make you look irrational, angry and bitter.
BTW, what’s with the third person reference? Are you really Bob Dole?
dan-oc says
for Patrick Murphy. he turned a lot of heads last night. it’s a shame the press has hidden him they way they have.
charley-on-the-mta says
and one with a good healthy chunk of intellectual integrity. Good on him. I hope he becomes a Dem and stays involved in politics.
That being said, vote for Niki. đŸ˜‰