On your campaign site you say “We need to bring our servicemen and women home quickly” What is quickly? Hillary, Obama, and Edwards could not set a date before 2013. Can you?
The title he always uses, “…if she answers questions on her ‘Official Blog'” obviously show he has the intent to slight the candidate, not ask questions that he wants answers to.
Therefore, I say he is a troll, and not even a very good one at that. Not only that, but his comment history is one of getting troll rated on a regular basis. I’d say that’s good enough reason to ban him as any.
Just because this individual has a differing opinion from yours, you want him censored? Actually, his posts are innocuous and often humorous. I like the pictures and in the case of this post his question is totally valid.
I wish I could share your enjoyment of arbitrary images, pointless non-sequitors, and snarky schoolyard one-liners written in txt speak.
Actually, let’s get real. No freshman member of Congress is going to be bringing troops home. The answer to the question is pointless. All you need to know is whether they will stand with the dwindling group of Republicans propping up Bush’s Iraq policy or with the growing opposition.
I think this question is a lot more relevant for presidential candidates and I would like to hear more concrete answers to this from all of the candidates.
Looks like I got Zombie rated.
So Zombie, do you think that a freshman Congressman can actually do anything to bring the troops home other than vote yes or no on whatever relevant bills go by? If so, what? If not, why did you ask your question?
She said again tonight that she would leave a presence in Iraq pretty much indefinitely. Ogo said bring em home when the job is done, all of them. Niki is the only one in this race who has said leave them there indefinitely.
Senator Stevens recently protested that he paid every bill he was presented on the remodeling of his house. The point though was that the oil company remodeling his house was not “presenting” him all the bills.
President Bush constantly tells us we don’t torture without saying that he has secret legal opinions defining torture as not torture.
Now a Republican is telling us he’ll get everyone out of Iraq when the “job is done”. For the last four years, we’ve been told again and again by Republicans and their enablers that success or evidence of success in Iraq lies forever six months in the future.
So I’d say Ogo’s commitment is in line with Stevens’ story about his house and Bush’s about torture. It might be true within some domain of discourse but we might as well treat it as false.
Tsongas would leave troops in Iraq indefinitely? That’s what she has said.
how difficult it is to believe a Republican on this score. I might have added that increasing the number of Republicans in the House is certainly one route for extending the occupation.
On a real policy level, rather than the level of soundbites, it is plain dumb to make predictions about 2013. I’m saying that and I’m against keeping even a residual force (for reasons I will not spell out here.) Any answer to how we withdraw has to factor in Turkey and the PKK, Tikrit and the Kurds, various dangers of sectarian cleansing in central Iraq, and warfare between competing Shi’ite militias. Being an enemy of the major players in Iraq, Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia is the least of our worries. Some of this depends on negotiation — an area that the Bush Administration avoids. So we’ll see what an actual Secretary of State might accomplish.
By keeping some troops in Iraq, some of our Presidential candidates have mentioned the embassy. The U.S. embassy in Iraq is the largest embassy complex in the world. The recent news has indicated that the contracts on building it are running behind even on completing it. Just figuring out what to do with this ministate will be a sticky problem for the Decider’s successor.
Before 2009, there is only one choice. There’s a switch and not a knob — nevermind a panel of knobs. The switch has two states: defund and continue. Stoller and Bowers at Open Left have the best analysis of why Democrats are not trying to defund. We’ve yet to see more than a couple Republicans vote to defund. So before 2009, it makes no practical sense to vote for Ogo.
After 2009, we will have a better President who might actually try to extricate us from this costly mess. The specific policy recommendations of random Congress people will not hold much sway in those deliberations.
but I didn’t see the debate. Do you have an exact quote?
“We need to bring our servicemen and women home quickly, safely and responsibly”
“I also support the retention of a small force in Iraq to engage in special operations to pursue terrorists, to train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces, and to protect the US Embassy and other US citizens in Iraq.”
I am sure that you realize that traditionally the US Marines are responsible for protecting US Embassies so I would expect there to be some US forces there in proportion to the size of the embassy and the the security risk. As to the other role, it would be nice for her to clarify what she means by “small” since our exalted leader has used exactly this excuse for leaving 160k troops in the country. Nevertheless, I don’t think that any intellectually honest person is in any way confused by these two statements from Tsongas.
Gee you think?????????
Kevin – when you say “the other role” gee Kevin what “other role” are you talking about??? Are you talking about Niki Tsongas' idea to keep an indefinite # of American Troops in Iraq to carry out . . . .
“Special operations to pursue terrorists”
“to train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces”
Would those be the “other roles” you are talking about? HMMM HMM HMMMMMM
Do you really think that posting really large letters along with a stupid picture helps to make your point? Do you honestly think that anyone should be expected to take you seriously? Do you honestly think that anyone other than yourself finds that picture amusing?
BTW, I have yet to see you answer a single serious question posed to you on this site. Other Republicans who participate here are at least willing to engage in debate.
“A change in course is long overdue” – Niki Tsongas
“I also support the retention of a small force in Iraq to engage in special operations to pursue terrorists, to train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces” – Niki Tsongas
Which is exactly your biggest problem and why no one cares what makes you laugh.
Still waiting for some serious discussion from you. I think you are afraid.
I am sure that you realize that traditionally the US Marines are responsible for protecting US Embassies so I would expect there to be some US forces there in proportion to the size of the embassy and the the security risk.
…but this…
p> As to the other role, it would be nice for her to clarify what she means by “small” since our exalted leader has used exactly this excuse for leaving 160k troops in the country.
…is not. It has been reported that there are upwards of 300K US hostages in Iraq, including not only the official US soldiers, but also the mercenaries–er, contractors. A substantial difference.
I know it should be safe, legal, and rare, but honestly, does this person EVER contribute anything useful?
Looking at his comment history, he’s got more zeros than a WWII Japanese fleet. David, Charley, please, it’s time.
Other than that, please don’t feed the trolls…
Lame ass fellow useless commenters troll rated me.
I must have hit a nerve, don’t you think?
Despite his annying penchant for handing out zeros for people he disagrees with, I think it’s a valid question to the candidate.
The title he always uses, “…if she answers questions on her ‘Official Blog'” obviously show he has the intent to slight the candidate, not ask questions that he wants answers to.
Therefore, I say he is a troll, and not even a very good one at that. Not only that, but his comment history is one of getting troll rated on a regular basis. I’d say that’s good enough reason to ban him as any.
Just because this individual has a differing opinion from yours, you want him censored? Actually, his posts are innocuous and often humorous. I like the pictures and in the case of this post his question is totally valid.
I wish I could share your enjoyment of arbitrary images, pointless non-sequitors, and snarky schoolyard one-liners written in txt speak.
that schoolzombie is 1337 and you’re a nub.
1'm 4 n000000000b!
It’s stupid people who waste bandwidth on what is otherwise a really great place to debate the issues of the day.
Niki uses BMG as her “Official Blog” it’s what is on her website. Here is the link from her “blog” menu item:
that is all you need to know.
Actually, let’s get real. No freshman member of Congress is going to be bringing troops home. The answer to the question is pointless. All you need to know is whether they will stand with the dwindling group of Republicans propping up Bush’s Iraq policy or with the growing opposition.
I think this question is a lot more relevant for presidential candidates and I would like to hear more concrete answers to this from all of the candidates.
Looks like I got Zombie rated.
So Zombie, do you think that a freshman Congressman can actually do anything to bring the troops home other than vote yes or no on whatever relevant bills go by? If so, what? If not, why did you ask your question?
She said again tonight that she would leave a presence in Iraq pretty much indefinitely. Ogo said bring em home when the job is done, all of them. Niki is the only one in this race who has said leave them there indefinitely.
Senator Stevens recently protested that he paid every bill he was presented on the remodeling of his house. The point though was that the oil company remodeling his house was not “presenting” him all the bills.
President Bush constantly tells us we don’t torture without saying that he has secret legal opinions defining torture as not torture.
Now a Republican is telling us he’ll get everyone out of Iraq when the “job is done”. For the last four years, we’ve been told again and again by Republicans and their enablers that success or evidence of success in Iraq lies forever six months in the future.
So I’d say Ogo’s commitment is in line with Stevens’ story about his house and Bush’s about torture. It might be true within some domain of discourse but we might as well treat it as false.
Tsongas would leave troops in Iraq indefinitely? That’s what she has said.
how difficult it is to believe a Republican on this score. I might have added that increasing the number of Republicans in the House is certainly one route for extending the occupation.
On a real policy level, rather than the level of soundbites, it is plain dumb to make predictions about 2013. I’m saying that and I’m against keeping even a residual force (for reasons I will not spell out here.) Any answer to how we withdraw has to factor in Turkey and the PKK, Tikrit and the Kurds, various dangers of sectarian cleansing in central Iraq, and warfare between competing Shi’ite militias. Being an enemy of the major players in Iraq, Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia is the least of our worries. Some of this depends on negotiation — an area that the Bush Administration avoids. So we’ll see what an actual Secretary of State might accomplish.
By keeping some troops in Iraq, some of our Presidential candidates have mentioned the embassy. The U.S. embassy in Iraq is the largest embassy complex in the world. The recent news has indicated that the contracts on building it are running behind even on completing it. Just figuring out what to do with this ministate will be a sticky problem for the Decider’s successor.
Before 2009, there is only one choice. There’s a switch and not a knob — nevermind a panel of knobs. The switch has two states: defund and continue. Stoller and Bowers at Open Left have the best analysis of why Democrats are not trying to defund. We’ve yet to see more than a couple Republicans vote to defund. So before 2009, it makes no practical sense to vote for Ogo.
After 2009, we will have a better President who might actually try to extricate us from this costly mess. The specific policy recommendations of random Congress people will not hold much sway in those deliberations.
but I didn’t see the debate. Do you have an exact quote?
“We need to bring our servicemen and women home quickly, safely and responsibly”
“I also support the retention of a small force in Iraq to engage in special operations to pursue terrorists, to train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces, and to protect the US Embassy and other US citizens in Iraq.”
I am sure that you realize that traditionally the US Marines are responsible for protecting US Embassies so I would expect there to be some US forces there in proportion to the size of the embassy and the the security risk. As to the other role, it would be nice for her to clarify what she means by “small” since our exalted leader has used exactly this excuse for leaving 160k troops in the country. Nevertheless, I don’t think that any intellectually honest person is in any way confused by these two statements from Tsongas.
Gee you think?????????
Kevin – when you say “the other role” gee Kevin what “other role” are you talking about??? Are you talking about Niki Tsongas' idea to keep an indefinite # of American Troops in Iraq to carry out . . . .
“Special operations to pursue terrorists”
“to train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces”
Would those be the “other roles” you are talking about? HMMM HMM HMMMMMM
Do you really think that posting really large letters along with a stupid picture helps to make your point? Do you honestly think that anyone should be expected to take you seriously? Do you honestly think that anyone other than yourself finds that picture amusing?
BTW, I have yet to see you answer a single serious question posed to you on this site. Other Republicans who participate here are at least willing to engage in debate.
“A change in course is long overdue” – Niki Tsongas
“I also support the retention of a small force in Iraq to engage in special operations to pursue terrorists, to train and equip the Iraqi Security Forces” – Niki Tsongas
Which is exactly your biggest problem and why no one cares what makes you laugh.
Still waiting for some serious discussion from you. I think you are afraid.
I am sure that you realize that traditionally the US Marines are responsible for protecting US Embassies so I would expect there to be some US forces there in proportion to the size of the embassy and the the security risk.
…but this…
As to the other role, it would be nice for her to clarify what she means by “small” since our exalted leader has used exactly this excuse for leaving 160k troops in the country.
…is not. It has been reported that there are upwards of 300K US hostages in Iraq, including not only the official US soldiers, but also the mercenaries–er, contractors. A substantial difference.
I’ll quote.