On your website you make the statement “We need to bring our servicemen and women home quickly, safely and responsibly”. What do you mean by “quickly” can you set a specific date like one year or two years? Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Robert Edwards failed to commit to setting a date for pull out of Iraq before 2013. In your opinion is waiting for 2013 too long?
Please share widely!
That's a good show. Jean Cochran and Carl Kasell do an excellent job in the show's current incarnation!
Blew out his knee in a touch football game after his rookie year. Probably would have had a decent career.
Robert Edwards
You do realize, don’t you, that now that you have firmly established your credentials as a troll that even if you eventually ask a good question you will continue to be ignored?
This is a great question, and my last question was great too. You need to establish me as a troll to allow your boss an excuse for not showing up at her “Official Blog” (her words not mine).
This is Niki’s “official Blog” and she fails to show up every single day. Your boss just doesn’t answer my questions, and that’s fine. But understand I will continue to ask them every day. After all this is her “official Blog”.
No one established you as a troll but yourself. You began posting on BMG posing as something you are not for the purpose of disruption. You first gave yourself away with your comparison of BMG to the KKK, and you seem to have yet to post a comment of substance.
In fact, it looks like your only reason for creating an account here is to post tongue-in-cheek questions so that you can try and play “gotcha” with the Democratic candidate for MA-05.
As I've said before:
What makes you think that you are so special that you can start your own blog on BMG and expect any candidate you call out to submit to your questioning?
You have many other options to get the answers you claim to be looking for without making it all about yourself.
“post tongue-in-cheek questions so that you can try and play “gotcha” with the Democratic candidate for MA-05.”
What is so “gotcha” about my questions? Please explain. Examples please.
I never implied you'd be successful.
How did I “try” to play “gotcha”
Please explain. Please offer some examples.
so you can find them easier.
let’s discuss
I'll chime in if you get interesting. For now, I'm taking KB's advice and tuning out.
Big question will Niki be back. Heck I wonder if Niki will be around in 2 weeks if at all?
Hey, BannedByTheSentinel, the best troll-repellent is usually silence. Ignore them, they won’t get what they want, they’ll go away away.
Besides, don’t you have a topic you could be writing a post on? You know, a well-documented, meaty, insightful post with witty illustrations, trenchant quotes, and incisive commentary. You know — what I’ve come to expect from you.
They may not publish it in the The Sentinel, but I know I’ll eagerly read it.
I can't seem to stay away from hijacked threads.
But I'm done for now.
the troll.
I'm glad you like it because you'll have another chance to look at it each time Zombie submits a new post that calls out Nikki Tsongas.
has a wonderful piece for piano called Vers la flamme. I suppose it’s about the radiant death of a moth.
(I must be channeling Raj tonight in an eagerness to provide footnotes.)
And since this appears to be your official blog, how come you have not answered any of the questions we have asked of you? How come you can not talk intelligently about any of the topics you have raised?
How come you just start a new diary asking the same question again and again whenever there are too many comments calling you for what you are?
Here’s a hypothesis. I’ve noticed this guy is very attentive to the rules that can get him banned or not. I’m guessing he’s regarding this as a pester-the-liberals game and by doing annoying things that aren’t against the rules, like posting annoying pictures frequently or posting the same question repeatedly, he’s being as much of a pesterer as possible.
You point out the lack of substance. Typical of those who come to play gotcha are an inability and a disinterest in trying to persuade. Persuasion across the ideological divide requires thought, coherence, and paragraphs. To play gotcha, one only needs a telegraphic style.
That’s what we have here.
But I think that if he continues on this path that he will eventually be excised from the site.
has said 1 word to me. I have not even come close to being excised from this site. Infact I would think you have broken the rules of the road not me.
I am the innocent one
Niki will have lots of time on Oct 17th to answer you questions after she gets trounced by Jim Ogonowski. I’d wait until then if I were you.
An Eldridge win in the primary? đŸ™‚