So, I did a little blog dog-and-pony show for the MetroWest Middlesex & Worcester Dems on Tuesday night, and before we got to that we did a little phone-banking for Niki Tsongas. Many of us supported other Dem candidates in the primary, and yet there we were, banging phones for someone who will be a terrific US Rep.
But I get the sense that having just finished the primary, a lot of Democrats may well have checked out a little bit, imagining that the real race is over. Can we progressives please disabuse ourselves of that illusion? The last polling showed a 10-point lead for Tsongas, which is not enough for us to feel cozy and comfortable and complacent.
There are at least three big reasons to hope for a smashing, decisive, no-doubt-about-it Tsongas victory:
- Statement on the Iraq war. If Tsongas wins, it's yet more impetus for the Democratic leadership to grow a spine. I'm not comfortable waiting until November 2008, and hanging around to blame the Republicans. It's bad policy, and bad politics. A Tsongas win is yet another reminder that the public is way, way ahead of either party on the war.
- As we've been bashing away all week, a Tsongas vote is another vote for SCHIP. Solid, sensible, and right.
- Jim Ogonowski is a Bush Republican. It's plain as day if you ask exactly what he's going to do on Iraq, SCHIP, or fiscal matters. There's hardly a glimmer of daylight between him and the President on these critical issues. (Paging Mr. Torkildsen: That's why Republicans keep getting beat in New England. Try something new — or old, actually.)
The time to act is now. This is the critical race in our region right now, and it's vital that Massachusetts send the clearest possible message to Congress on Iraq and kids' health care. Make plans to help out between now and the 16th, use their community tool to find your friends and get them to commit, or throw some scratch Niki's way.
This race isn't just going to win itself. It's up to us.
kate says
There are many ways to help! Consider coming to our “Celebrity Phone Bank” in Worcester.
Join us on Monday, October 8th from 4:30 PM – 8:00 PM at the Teamsters Hall at 330 Southwest Cutoff (Route 20) in Worcester to call voters and ask them to support Niki Tsongas. Niki is running for Congress in the 5th Congressional District and the polls are showing that this race is going to be very close!
There will be pizza and celebrity phone callers including Congressman Jim McGovern, Lt. Governor Tim Murray, State Senators Ed Augustus and Pam Resor and State Rep. Jamie Eldridge, and last but not least, Worcester School Committeeman Joe O’Brien.
I don’t have “celebrity billing” but I enjoy meeting people that I know through the “netroots” – BMG readers and subscribers to the Democratic Dispatch.
The election is coming up in less than two weeks and the polls are saying that this election is going to be very close! Please come make some calls and help us hold on to this important seat in Congress! To RSVP fo the Monday phone bank, please send and email to or call Joe O’Brien at 508-335-8768.
Charley, thanks again for coming out to Hudson.
Kate Donaghue
bluetoo says
…nothing can be taken for granted in this race, and make no mistake about it, this is an important race in a sometimes-difficult district for Democrats. This race matters.
You don’t have to live in the district to help…and every contribution — physical or financial — will help Tsongas to win this race.