I admit what follows is all a lot of frustration generated whining but even the political junkies I know are pretty fed up with this election. Always a good time to put up a mirror and do some soul searching. I welcome others input.
All the cities and towns
Who, in a time of budget shortfall had to pony up the 1 Mil + cost of this special election because Marty MEhan decided term limits were fine if they helped with his career path.
The Republicans
Who had the job of defending a candidate who was against the war before he was for it, against immigration while touting his own work to support it with the Cambodians, all over the map on SCHIP once his original stand was found to be a political hot potato, and doing everything possible to try and pretend that they are not the party of W.
The Democrats
Who however charming and affable the candidate is had to get behind the only candidate who lost polling percentage in the primaries, who also came in second in their home town by a 2 to 1 margin, whose war chest is approaching 2 mil from mostly out of district contributions, and with that baggage had to try and convince the voters they represented the 5th while still embracing Clinton and Pelosi visits.
The Independent candidates
Who struggle to get their voices heard in the face of the entrenched parties machines (not major parties as independents the so called unenroled are the majority) whose stories and ideas have all but disappeared from TV and the printed press.
The Voters of the 5th
For whom the most telling numbers on Election Day will be the sad low turnout.
The electoral process
The white elephant in the room about this election is every indication is come 2010 the new sensus will confirm a need to drop a congressional district in MA and this is the most likely one on target for removal especially if it is not controlled by the democratic party.
Ah yes Democracy “inaction”.
They TAKE the census in 2010, and the results won’t be available until 2011. EARLIEST we can redistrict is for 2012, and we’ll probably do legislative redistricting first. Esp. if the Democrats retain control of the House, as that is where the lost seat – or seats – will be. Bet they drag their feet until 2014, hoping against hope that more people will move to MA.
Me, I think we’ll lose two seats. Capuano will be second-most vulnerable, as he is most junior. Poor John Olver would be eliminated as aged – but what would they do, extend Neal WEST?
Here’s a good link – pick your most likely losers !