They have a “luxury tax” — not sure exactly the numbers, but if you spend over a certain amount, then you have to pay into a pot for “poorer” franchises to split. Discourages too-much spending on one hand, but also discourages adequate-spending by spendthrift teams like the Royals, since they a subsidy for their cheapness.
I’ve lived in three of the major metro areas in my life (including New York), and have had three family members working for the S.F. Examiner/Chronicle at different times (my wife was even in the sports department). Leaving out any sports-specific media, the Globe has done the best job I’ve seen, and it’s a tough job in a market like this to find balance and consistency, and not fall prey to self-promotion and excess (WEEI?, The Herald?).
What is the point of salary caps when they are so routinely ignored?
They have a “luxury tax” — not sure exactly the numbers, but if you spend over a certain amount, then you have to pay into a pot for “poorer” franchises to split. Discourages too-much spending on one hand, but also discourages adequate-spending by spendthrift teams like the Royals, since they a subsidy for their cheapness.
I’ve lived in three of the major metro areas in my life (including New York), and have had three family members working for the S.F. Examiner/Chronicle at different times (my wife was even in the sports department). Leaving out any sports-specific media, the Globe has done the best job I’ve seen, and it’s a tough job in a market like this to find balance and consistency, and not fall prey to self-promotion and excess (WEEI?, The Herald?).