Over at RMG, there is a post stating that the Lowell Police Patrolman’s Union has endorsed Ogo. The post contains a blurb on the subject referred to as the “Ogonowski campaign’s media advisory”. Yet I can find no mention of this important endorsement on the Ogo website or Google News. Further, in the pictures linked to from the RMG post, the big cop-like men flanking Ogo during the press conference wear shirts that say “Lowell Police Association”.
Question 1: Is the Lowell Police Association synonymous with the Lowell Police Patrolman’s Union?
Question 2: Why has this endorsement been kept so quiet? Why no press release from the Ogo campaign? Could it be that it is actually the endorsement of some members of the union (e.g the Association), but not of the union per se?
Can anyone fill me in?
Second story down on the page:
the Lowell Sun is not in Google News.
Go to http://www.google.com
Hit on Advanced
Type in the search term
Put in Lowellsun.com
If you want recent links you must put in how many days you want to go back.
As David says below, apparently Lowell SUn isn’t in google news. I still wonder why this isn’t highlighted on the Ogo site.
Nice Try.
If it were an actual nice try, it would have been posted on RMG preferably with a picture and sporting a much more provocative title.
Can you answer my question about the relationship between the police union and the police association? I’m just not understanding how he got an endorsement from one group, but has a chorus of the other standing behind him during the announcement.
As for the “nice one”, thing, you should realize that having incomplete (in this case, zero) coverage of major announcements on the campaign website opens room for wondering and speculation (Enquiring minds want to know, as Zobmie might say). You can give me a gotcha razberry if you want to, but a smart (not to mention gracious) person would say “thanks for pointing out that omission!” and get on with the repairs.
So, you’re welcome. đŸ™‚
Speaking of which, can anyone find a link to Ogo’s Iraq plan on his website, or is it still residing in its undisclosed location?
That cut-and-run eabo hasn’t answered this. He has a very convenient habit of selectively answering certain questions.
Nikki Tsongas has my vote, though. That is because of her track record at MCC as an administrator who does her homework, and doesn’t rely on second hand information. We could use more hard working administrators in congress.
I consider it a bit odd that both Tsongas and Ogonowski are making their first bid for elected office at the congressional level, rather than working their way up as town meeting members, school committee members, town councilors, mayors, etc. and getting experience in governance. The closest substitute either of them have is Nikki Tsongas work at MCC.
I would rather see them tout what they have done then all this foolish finger pointing and name calling by their so-called supporters. I am ignoring that kind of stuff, treating it like the chaff it is.
But – the mayor and the Reps. on the Democrat side lost the primary, and Tierney lost on the GOP side too.
So – this must be an antique preference on our part.
The wives of popular politicians, especially deceased ones get a bye when it comes to having to establish their own bonafides before seeking higher office.
of people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. it is tragic that Jim’s brother was murdered. that Jim and others try to make him some sort of hero for “being there” is pathetic and deeply disgusting.
This one says she’s qualified because her husband was once a Senator, and that one says he’s qualified because his brother was murdered.
Next thing you know, a Senator will retire under dubious circumstances, and someone will claim he’s qualified because his big brother is President of the United States, and his other big bbrother is AG.
I hope that Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is similarly vilified for her disgusting attempts to capitalize on her own family tragedy for political purposes.