Who thought the Blue Cross severance/bonus package was a good idea? Ask one of these people. . .
after all they thought it was fine:
George R. Alcott III
President, Local 1301, Communications Workers of America
Braintree, MA
Brian M. Barefoot
President, Babson College
Babson Park, MA
Peter W. Bertschmann
Sherborn, MA
Samuel Cabot III
Samuel Cabot Incorporated
Newburyport, MA
Helen G. Drinan
Senior Vice President, Human Resources
Caritas Christi
Boston, MA
Richard C. Garrison
Senior Vice President, Organizational Development
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Cambridge, MA
Paul Guzzi
President and Chief Executive Officer
Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce
Boston, MA
Robert J. Haynes
Massachusetts AFL-CIO
Malden, MA
Marian L. Heard
President and Chief Executive Officer
Oxen Hill Partners
Boston, MA
Philip W. Johnston
Philip W. Johnston Associates
Boston, MA
Cleve L. Killingsworth
President and Chief Executive Officer
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Gloria C. Larson
Co-Chair of the Government Practices Group
Foley Hoag LLP
Boston, MA
William G. Lavelle, M.D.
Professor and Chairman
Department of Otolaryngology
University of Massachusetts Medical School
University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center
Worcester, MA
James H. Lunt
President and Chief Executive Officer
Rogers, Lunt & Bowlen Company
Lunt Silversmiths
Greenfield, MA
Ralph C. Martin II
Partner, Bingham McCutchen LLP
Consultant, Bingham Consulting Group
Boston, MA
Robert F. Meenan, M.D.
Boston University School of Public Health
Boston, MA
William C. Van Faasen
Chairman of the Board
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Boston, MA
Benaree P. Wiley
Brookline, MA
Both Republican and Democratic “who is who”. Perhaps there is a certain club that, whatever else, no matter what label, does take care of its own.
The big union honcho’s giving their blessing.
Bottom line. This state needs a big time shake up in its political structure. This is now or will soon become an oligarchy. Way too many people getting fat at the trough of the not for profits.
While I don’t like seeing two elected union leaders names on the BCBC Board in this context – there are far more business types and political types that should have known better as well.
Particularly distrubing to see those associated with the medical industries and hospitals. Next time the hospitals complain about the free care pool, legislators can ask about BCBS.