Source: QC
Senators Reid and Durbin indicate that it would be unusual for the Democrats to whip this vote given the Schumer’s and Feinstein’s votes.
The situation then is that three quarters of the Democratic caucus is firm and would be willing to show plenty of spine but one fifth of the Democratic caucus just plain thinks differently. How do we get this minority of Democratic Senators on board?
Please share widely!
nomad943 says
Filibuster? You want the Dems to band together and fillibuster something? No way.
That would mean that they chose to take some form of action at a time when another meaningless gesture would suffice. 45 or so of them will vote NAY and then they will all line up to make pompous speaches panning for your campaign donations …
geo999 says
A handful of clear thinking Democrat Senators will vote for Mukasey because they understand that there is no rational reason not to.
They will provide cover for the other Democrat Senators, most of whom also understand the inanity of obstructing this appointment, but who feel compelled to appease the wingnut base.
will says
…is a good thing to demand from any public official about now. An Attorney General is as good a place to start as any.
“Is water boarding torture?”
“I can’t answer that.”
Sorry, next… Whether you are applying for AG, President, or town sheriff, I will insist you own up and answer that question. It’s not complicated.
Clear Thinkingly Yours,
Mr. Not a Wing Nut Nor Anyone’s Base “Republicans Love Moral Clarity Right?” Will on BMG
geo999 says
…what the hell. Have your fun.
Mr Mukasey will be AG, and you’ll be, err…clever.
kbusch says
when the next Clinton Administration declares Ken Mehlman an enemy combatant.
geo999 says
…for a moment.
will says
ryepower12 says
Why even bother having confirmation hearings if nominated candidates can’t even bother answering the simplest of questions. Senators are under no obligation to confirm a President’s nominations; the fact that you think they are, I find, quite distressing. Rest assured, Senators would be well within their right – and, indeed have a moral obligation – to vote not to confirm someone who can’t bother to answer whether a well-known form of turture used in the Spanish Inquisition, and one that got Japanese soldiers tried as war criminals for using it against Americans, was actually torture.
For having that view, I would have given you a rating of 4 – needs improvement. Though, because you were insulting in the process, you earn a 0.
geo999 says
Ryan, the ratings system on BMG became meaningless long ago.
But, whatever floats yer boat. ;^D
ryepower12 says
NY Times letters have been downright scathing. If Schumer does vote for Mukasey, he deserves to be unseated. I don’t care if Mukasey was on Schumer’s original list – the fact that Mukasey couldn’t muster a simple yes or no on what constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, to me, invalidates any preconcieved notions of acceptance. Isn’t that why we have confirmation hearings to begin with?
geo999 says
I find him narrow, petty, and banal.
But he’s surprisingly cogent at the moment.
I’ll be happy to discuss a suitable replacement for him in four years.
joeltpatterson says
and the two Montana Senators are also against Mukasey.
We might build up some steam with this!
cos says
kbusch says
It stands for “Talking Points Memo” which is Josh Micah Marshall’s site. There’s a link to it from this site under “General”. I did see the thing about MT, not Salazar though.