Statehouse News Service reports Patrick aides Doug Rubin and Charlotte Golar-Richie held their first meeting Tuesday with two dozen state reps who endorsed Deval early in his campaign. The idea was to find out why the governor’s agenda was stalled in the Legislature and what Deval and his House supporters can do about it.
I doubt my column Sunday about the current Beacon Hill dysfunction had anything to do with the meeting, but it’s long overdue.
Speaking of Beacon Hill, any chance the gutless wonders will vote this year on a bill decriminalizing marijuana (story)? I wouldn’t bet on it, but at least one paper (mine) dared editorialize in support.
Please share widely!
Still acting like rookies.
Politics at this level is personal. And this issue is personal.
The governor and his staff should be meeting with legislators one on one.
This is not rocket science.