Kentucky is a pretty socially conservative state. And even though Gov. Flecther’s corrupt administration has run the State (and his approval into the ground), right wing operatives are bringing out the dirty tricks to try to save him.
A robo call was sent to voters, saying that the Democrat, Steve Beshear has been endorsed by a homosexual group . . you get the idea.
Read more here:
Listen to the actual robo call here:
Of course it’s awful that this message would move votes, the use of this tactic to play up such fears is just unacceptable. Whether they broke the law, I don’t know.
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I see that the repubs are still trying to squeeze fear & loathing votes by deploying Teh Gay bogeyman. It may still work in states like KY, but I have the feeling that nationally, this strategy has largely run it’s course. I think people by and large are tired of vilifying their gay neighbors. This is not to say that they believe in equality for LGBT’s, but simply that much of joy and catharsis in the bashing is gone. I look forward to a post-election analysis on this subject.
I believe his long term negatives will end the Fletcher Administration. But Nick Clooney lost a Congressional race in KY in 2004 when the Repubs ran ads saying he would vote to take the Bible out of school libraries.
There are strong pockets of Dems in KY -that I believe are beyond the “gay bogeyman” strategy. I wish it were so in the rest of the country
59% to 41%