The gist is that we have less poor kids than other states, but they do worse here, compared to other states.
I wonder about the validity or value of the study, being based simply on interviews. Wouldn’t it be better to use factual comparisons of services available?
There are two issues I see here:
1–the whole thing about poor kids and how they’re treated from state to state. Frankly I’m not qualified to have an in-depth conversation about that.
2–Does Keller ever look on the bright side of things? Not when it involves Massachusetts, it seems. I’m not even saying he should praise Massachusetts for this study. but at least recognize there’s some very good to go with the bad. The guy’s a walking wet rag.
Keller is representative of the media in Massachusetts … It’s typical of how the media reports and skews the stories toward the negative. Take for example the Gov’s first year in office…a lot was accomplished including major aspects of the municipal partnership act, defeat of gay marriage, identity theft legisaltion, mortgage forecolsure law, and others and all the media reports is what was not accomplished…they poopoo the accomplishments and dwell on the negative….my advice is don’t fall for it!!!