New Jersey Republicans set a new standard for campaign attack ads:
And if you’d like to watch municipal politics San Francisco style, click here for a debate between a live politician and a puppet of his opponent. Unbelievable.
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it will stand out. If there are a lot of political ads being aired, all morphing into another some times you need to take measures to be different. This rises to that level.
As long as those charges are true, this isn’t an attack ad. They highlight the opponents public record.
So it seems like an attack ad to me. I didn’t say it was bad, although in fact it does look like the work of a somewhat demented campaign staff and candidate, if you want my opinion! đŸ˜‰
1992 campaign with Chet Atkins.
Ads that point out an opponents record are not attacks.
It’s one of the few things I agree with Chancellor Meehan on.
Are the accusations factual?
NO! = attack ad
YES! = a service to the voters which educates voters.
In this case, the “puppet” ( probably the only communications vehicle that most of the morons that went through Democrat controlled public schools in NJ can understand) is reciting some FACTS about this incumbent NJ Democrat.
Clearly, not an attack ad.
IMO, There should be more of ads such as these here in the People’s Rupublik that might restore a two party system.
2. Healey’s attack ads worked so well that this strategy might indeed lead to a two party system. It will consist of the Democrats and the Greens.
Healy/ Romney excuse?…getting veeeery old now that they’ve both been gone for a year. You’re out of excuses now and the spotlight is shinning on the People’s Republik , “one party system”.
You should be paying closer attention to the “together we can” loser that you elected and ask him what he’s doing about this awful State as its going down the toilet? Ask the one party criminals in the State House what they’re doing about the property taxes, fees, fines,loss of school athletics/fees for student buses , toll increases and murder du jour here in the People’s republik?
give the Greens an opening to win a state-wide office.
I realize you deny being Asa over at RMG, but you are Asa over at RMG. One give away is the word “Republik”. Not even raj uses this word, but a quick search of both BMG and RMG shows that you are unique on both sites in your use of this word. There are numerious other lexical and usage characteristics that make it clear that the two accounts are held by the same person.
“Republik” is just one.
The ad claims that Ariyan “will do whatever the Trenton tax and spend bosses say.” That is obviously unprovable, and is likely false.
Which isn’t to say that this ad won’t stand out!
This ad is not a new low. It’s pretty tame.
We don’t have many really fun legislative races. This is a big time blood sport in NJ.
I found the puppet more believable, charismatic and human than the average Republican candidate.