On October 2nd, 2007, Michael E. Festa stepped down as the Representative of the 32nd Middlesex District in the Massachusettes House of Representatives. Festa became the Executive Secretary of Elder Affairs for the Patrick Administration. As one of the citizens of the 32nd Middlesex, I wish Mike all the best in his new position.
However, this does leave another vacancy in the House that will need to be filled by special election. Speaker DiMasi and Secretary Galvin have not settled upon a schedule for the election yet, so there are no official candidates for the office.
It is my intention to seek the office of Representative of the 32nd Middlesex. I am still determining the shape of my campaign, but as soon as a special election is called, I will be taking papers to collect the 150 signatures needed. I will keep you up to date on my progress on my blog, here, and in other places. [note: edited URL; previous URL will point to campaign website]
If you read my blog and/or listen to my podcast, you no doubt know where I stand on a number of issues. I support marriage equality and will always vote against Constitutional Amendments limiting the rights of gays and lesbians to wed. I support alternative energy projects such as Cape Wind. I oppose Gov. Patrick’s casino plan because the impact of such a plan would far outweigh the benefits.
I support single-payer healthcare, and I think that the plan Massachusetts currently has is going to prove more of a burden to middle income families than a help.
I do not yet have a campaign structure, but I will be working that out in the coming weeks. Thank you for your time, and, potentially, for your support.
Jeffrey Carter Gilson
Melrose, MA
So nice to hear that you are running. I’ve often wondered how you were doing since your move to the Boston area from Western MA. I think you will be a great candidate, and I fully support your candidacy! Yeah!! Lori
Can you believe it’s been more than four years since we worked the Big E for Dean? Then again, it also seems like a lifetime ago.
What really makes me happy is that so many who became involved during the Dean campaign and then the Deval Patrick campaign have stayed active and involved. You are a great example of this because you plan to take the next step and run for office. It may be over four years and a lifetime ago, but look at the results. There really is a movement to make the changes advocated by Dean. He’s done incredible work on that front with the 50 state strategy, campaign software, paid staffers, keeping people in touch, offering alternatives, etc. All the work has paid off.
…to replace our State Representative Mike Festa. Katherine Clark, who is a Democratic activist and School Committee member, has already announced that she will run for the seat when the special election is scheduled.
Katherine ran a spirited campaign two years ago in an attempt to unseat Republican State Senator Richard Tisei. She fell short, but made an impressive run.
She co-ordinated the state Democratic Party’s unity effort last fall, and she is a progressive in the best sense of the word. She would be an outstanding successor to Rep. Festa.
I wish you well, Mr. Gilson, but I will be supporting Katherine Clark.
for your honesty. I look forward to a spirited discussion on the issues as the primary and election draws closer.
But certainly not MANDATORY.
This company, United Health Care might pay your medical bills but it will most certainly be only after hours upon hours stuck in phone tree Hell.
If government has no desire to regualte anything today, they have no business mandating it.
Sounding good. Having pooh-poohed casinos, what’s your opinion on other revenue generators (MPA, loopholes, etc)?
We definitely need to close the business loopholes. They aren’t helping the state and they aren’t drawing businesses to Massachusetts. I’m still thinking about other revenue generators, but I would be lying if I said I have all the answers. Instead, what I have is a lifetime as a progressive trying to make the world a bit more fair.
I really don’t have all the answers. But the answers are out there, and I am listening for them.
for front-paging. Now if only the schedule would be set already.