We’ll be hosting ten roundtable discussions on education around the state today and tomorrow, November 15 and 16. The discussions — many of which will be hosted by members of New Hampshire Educators for Obama — will bring Granite Staters together to learn more about Obama’s commitment to excellence for every child and support for every teacher.
Tim Foley
Proud to be a NH staff member for Barack Obama’s movement for change
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he manages to get a bit of bio in while pushing his issue. i found the splicing of his voice-over a but confusing, though.
i’m always in favor of candidate ads that talk about education. however, i would have preferred to see him replace “recruit a whole new generation of teachers” with “recognize how important teachers are by setting a national minimum teacher’s wage” or something that addressed the poor salary teachers draw in many public school systems. i completely support the notion that parents need to be involved as much as possible, but i sometimes get the feeling that that is code for “you better do it yourselves and for free, because we’re not going to use taxpayer money to pay the good teachers to stay.”
Please. Let’s understand something. The kiddies have turned off the television. The major networks are doing online streaming (with limited commercial interruptions–go to abc.com cbs.com or even cwtv.com) probably because people don’t want to be tied into their schedule and watch their insane commercial interruptions. I’m 12 years older than Obama, and even I know how to do online streaming. I also know how to do arXiv (LANL’s pre-pub service) and can walk my way around the science and math blogs and web sites.
Who is Obama trying to kid? That ad borders on the insipid, if not the stupid.