Yeah, someone’s got to be an adult, I suppose. And yes, a mockery was being made of the process. Still, Obama goes down a few points in my book for putting in an effort to keep Stephen Colbert off of the South Carolina ballot. Why couldn’t he trust the entire thing to die of natural causes? Did they think it was a serious mockery?
cnn blogs the events here.
Please share widely!
…Obama isn’t old enough to remember Pat Paulson. Colbert is following in Paulson’s footsteps.
is Colbert’s statement (from the CNN link):
Especially the “And I am going off the air until I can talk about this without weeping” – he’s going off the air, presumably, because of the writer’s strike. Too funny.
…that a LEADER like Col-BEAR would EVER attempt to place his name in nomination as a Democrat. He could have run as a Libertarian, dammit! But, no – he went whoring (I’m sorry for the strong language, but I’m upset..) after the CHEAP (VERY cheap, apparently) and easy thrill of the Democrat’s ballot.
THIS is why we erect a RESPECTABLE hurdle to keep such Sunshine Patriots off the GOP ballot in South Carolina. “Right now politics is hot and heavy and we certainly welcome Colbert to enter into the primary,” South Carolina GOP chairman Katon Dawson told The New York Post. We would have welcomed the Indecision ’08 Campaign – but apparently, the GOP wasn’t worth $35,000 to Steve Col-BEAR. We at LEAST thought it was worth at LEAST that much to Comedy Central…and we could USE the thirty-five grand!
So, I cannot watch for a while…no, those are just melting snowflakes….
This post comes across as, at best, a stretch and, at worst, a cheap shot.
Two prominent SC officials were among the people who made phone calls to the board to keep a comedian off of the ballot. They both happen to support Obama, but neither is a staffer and neither plays a prominent role in the campaign.
** Full disclosure- I am not necessarily an Obama supporter, although he is among the 2-3 candidates I am still considering.**
You’re now on the fuddy duddy list.
If a guy named Ernie and a guy named Noternie make the same exact joke about my nickname, does that cause some sort of vortex or server crash or something? That’s scary!
If somehow SC was extremely close between Clinton and Obama where 1 or 2 points made a difference and Colbert was on the ballot…that might just peel off enough young voters from Obama who vote for him as a joke to make the difference.
That said, I gotta echo Wookie. This wasn’t Obama’s doing.
…if they’re like other states’ they would provide for write-in votes.
I’m going to write in afertig for President of the Fuddy Duddy Society.
Mounting a serious defense of the fuddy duddiness and denying the fuddy duddy consipracy is so bad it makes fuddy duddiness seem silly by comparison.
You, good sir, are a Fuddy Duddy of the highest order. I shall pray for the repose of your soul.
Look at Florida. Enough people voted for Gore, as a joke, that Nader lost. The rest is history…